Saturday, March 31, 2018

Interesting facts through collectibles: Eiffel Tower opens

What comes to your mind when you think about France? The first thing to pop up into the most people's head is the Eiffel Tower. It is not only the most recognizable symbol of  France but also it is the most-visited paid monument in the world.

After 2 years of hard work, construction of the Eiffel Tower was finally finished on March 15, 1889. After 16 days, on March 31, it was opened and celebrated by commencing the first ascent to the top of the tower. The elevator was not working yet, so 1,710-step climb had to be done by foot.

Eiffel Tower is very popular in the collecting world. There are many different types of items which display this magnificent tower. Here are some examples from our categories of coins, phonecards, and even lego sets.

On average, 25,000 people are visiting the tower every day. The most popular Eiffel Tower-themed collectibles are postcards and stamps. In addition to being able to share the experience with family and friends, they serve as a memory trigger for the days of visiting Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

Do you collect the collectibles of a specific topic? If yes, share in comments the topic you're interested in. 

Stamp, Chagall - The Betrothed and Eiffel Tower, France, Colnect Catalog
If you want to contribute to Colnect you are welcome to check Contributor Guide. To purchase or sell your collectibles feel free to visit Colnect Marketplace.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

155,551 Gift Cards on Colnect

Gift cards catalog on Colnect now shows over 155,551 gift cards. A big thank you to everyone who contributed. Special thanks to the coordinator of this category, Claude Martin [Claude], for taking such good care of it.

A gift card is a prepaid card which is commonly used for purchasing things from specific shops. In 1994 Blockbuster Entertainment issued the first gift card in Florida. Over years popularity skyrocketed and in 2006, gifts cards were second-most given gifts, most wanted gifts by women, and third-most wanted by men in the US. On Colnect there are already more than 5,000 different companies listed which have issued gift cards over the years.

Gift cards are very similar to prepaid debit cards. What is the difference between them? Unlike a prepaid debit card, gift card is not identified with a name but rather with a specific number or code so it can used by anyone. Usually the value of a gift card is kept in the database of a store and is connected to its code.

Colnect has been built by collectors just like you. Are you interested in contributing to Colnect? Then you can go and check our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page and start making Colnect better. If you are interested in trading gift cards, you can check out marketplace.

Monday, March 26, 2018

100,001 Items Listed on Marketplace

We are glad to announce that our new Colnect Marketplace now has over 100,001 listings. Sellers from around the world are offering collectibles for sale easily on Colnect.

We are proud that even though we introduced our marketplace not too long ago, the number of people using it is increasing rapidly. We are constantly making improvements based on the feedback we receive and hope to continue to be the place for collectors to easily exchange and trade collectibles.

Our marketplace is based on our centralized catalog and as such listing an item for sale is as quick as locating the item in the catalog and providing condition and price. Buyers can then see all sales for a specific item. Collectors are provided with comfy tools which utilize information from our catalogs and collection management tools.

Currently, the most items are listed in stamps category, already reaching more than 78,000 listings. In addition to the items, the number of the categories and countries featured in the Marketplace is increasing as well. 

If you are not familiar with our Marketplace yet and want to start using it, feel free to visit it and read Help pages for more detailed information on how to get started. Also, there is a vizard guide to all catalog and marketplace features there.

Monday, March 19, 2018

6,666 Tea Labels Passed

The first milestone of tea labels is here. The catalog has passed a number of 6,666 items.

Thank you, everyone, for making Colnect better day by day and thanks to the coordinator, Els Van Gastel [leeuwin], for taking such good care of the tea labels category.

The first use of tea was medical and it started in China, but later on during Tang Dynasty, which lasted from 618 to 917 AD, tea started becoming popular as a recreational drink. Even though in Asia tea was popular it wasn't until the 16th century that it was introduced to Europe.

Today many collectors are collecting tea bags and tea labels and it is considered as one of the bases of large collections. Currently, on Colnect, you can find 554 different brands with 37 themes of tea labels from 72 countries.

Colnect has been built by collectors just like you. Are you interested in contributing to Colnect? Then you can go and check our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page and start making Colnect better.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

New Category: Fruit Stickers

We are happy and proud to have added Fruit Sticker category on Colnect. This new and interesting category is now available for fruit sticker collectors around the world. 

At first glance, they may not seem special but when taking a better look fruit stickers meet all criteria to be a good collectible. Very easy to obtain, ends up taking small space, has a big selection of designs, and even the purpose of it varies. Some people are even looking at it as a reward for eating fruits. Even though it is still obscure, the popularity of it grows. So if you are not collecting them yet, might want to give it another thought next time you are about to peel it off of a fruit and throw it out.

You can now use Colnect catalog and collection management tools for fruit stickers. The sorting is available in 9 different ways: kinds of product, countries, products, brands, shapes, compositions, PLU codes, themes, and newly added.

And now the drum roll for the coordinator of fruit stickers category. We would like to introduce Luciano Massalin [lumassa49].

Would you like to contribute to fruit stickers catalog? You are welcome to check Catalog Contribution Guidelines page and find out how YOU can influence Colnect. If you are interested in trading fruit stickers then you can take a look at Colnect Marketplace

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Famous people through collectibles: Stephen Hawking

A theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Stephen William Hawking, passed away at the age of 76. He died on March 14 at his home in Cambridge, England.

During his life, Stephen Hawking managed to get many achievements under his belt. His research was mainly based on Einstein's theory of relativity. One of his most famous works was even named after him, Hawking radiation.

He was loved by many. His uplifting spirit, fierce intellect, and witty humor earned him spot in people's hearts. Despite being paralyzed he never gave up on being "a normal human being with the same desires, drives, dreams, and ambitions as the next person".

Many collectibles were made to celebrate his life and surely, even more, will be made in memory of Stephen Hawking. Some of these items can be found on Colnect. As collectors, let's prolong his life and honor his death through the hobby of collecting. May he rest peacefully.

Do you want to contribute to Colnect? You are welcome to add new itemsadd images and information to already existing items, help to translate catalog to your language, edit the catalog, write wiki articles, and even create your own categories. For collectibles you would like to trade, you are welcome to visit Colnect Marketplace.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Famous people through collectibles: Albert Einstein

Everyone in the world must know the name of Albert Einstein, the founder of the theory of relativity. He was born on March 14, 1879.

During his life, this brilliant mind accomplished so much that he was even named as the Person of the Century by Times magazine. Albert Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity.

Sugar Packet › Albert Einstein, Spain, 2016, Colnect Catalog

His contributions towards the world earned him various rewards one of them even being the Nobel Prize in Physics. He died at the age of 76, continuing to work until the very end.

Albert Einstein left us a huge collection of breakthroughs and advancements in the field of science. There are a lot of collectibles for people out there who are interested in Einstein or are fascinated with physics.

Kids Meal Toy › Albert Einstein, Europe, 2017, Colnect Catalog

Many different stamp series dedicated to Einstein were issued in various countries: Vietnam, Grenada, Fiji, Mongolia, Zaire, British Virgin Islands, USA, and others. There are many Einstein-themed coins made in Switzerland, Northern Mariana Islands, Thailand, Togo, Nauru, Germany Democratic Republic. Most of these items illustrate him alongside his theories and different physics formulas.

Do you want to contribute to Colnect? You are welcome to check Catalog Contribution Guidelines page and start making Colnect better. For collectibles, you would like to buy or sell check our marketplace.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Famous people through collectibles: Alexander Bell

These days we can not imagine our lives without phones. It is a part of everyone and often even a defining factor for a person. Alexander Graham Bell, a scientist and inventor, was born on March 3, 1847. He is mostly known for his invention of the telephone.

There are many stamps and other collectibles, which were dedicated to Alexander Bell. Many collectibles usually have illustrations of his portrait or the telephone to celebrate his invention. You can find these collectibles on Colnect.

Alexander Bell was born in Scotland and later moved to Canada. There he began his career as an elocution teacher. Even though the telephone was Bell's most famous invention, his contributions to the world don't end there. 

Erfinder 4 - Alexander Graham Bell, Germany, Federal Republic, 2002, Colnect Catalog

Both his mother and wife were deaf. This influenced his interest towards transmission devices leading to his various inventions. Later his interests shifted towards researching experimental forms of boats known as hydrofoils.

Would you like to contribute to Colnect too? You can check our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page and start to add new items, add images and information to already existing items, help to translate catalog to your language, edit the catalog, write wiki articles, and even create your own categories. For collectibles you would like to trade, you are welcome to visit Colnect Marketplace.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Famous people through collectibles: George Harrison

Everyone knows about The Beatles and everyone's musical taste has been affected by them in one way or another. Not only did the band itself become a legend, but also each individual member managed to completely innovate the pop culture as we know it. 

George Harrison, also known as "the quiet Beatle" was born on February 25, 1943. His interest in music started at his early age. As he got older the interest in Indian culture and mysticism developed in him. 

Banknote, 1,000,000 Dollars, Fantasy Issues, Colnect Catalog

Even though most of The Beatles' songs were written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, there are many songs which were composed by Harrison. With music, he introduced Eastern religion and music to the Western audience.

Stamp, Paul McCartney & George Harrison, Mongolia, Colnect Catalog

Even after the break up of the band, his career kept on blooming. Rolling Stones ranked him as number 11 on their list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time". Also, he became a two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee.

In addition to their work, there are many collectibles dedicated to this amazing band. You can find many collectibles illustrating members of The Beatles or the name of their song. There is a story connected to each collectible which is always fun to learn about. Several years ago we covered "with The Beatles" Stamp and its story. If you are interested in The Beatles then you are welcome to check out more of their collectibles featured on Colnect and have fun :)

Colnect has been built by collectors just like you. Are you interested in contributing to Colnect? Then you can go and check our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page and start making Colnect better. For collectibles, you would like to buy or sell check our marketplace.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

7,117 Lego Sets Cataloged

Colnect's own Lego sets category has reached a new milestone of 7,117 sets cataloged.

Special thanks go to the coordinator of this category, Graeme Kilpatrick [nzexchange]. We would also like to thank everyone else who contributed and helped achieve this milestone.

Starting in 1949, replacing wooden toys with plastic and introducing the highest quality and renovating the market, Lego has constantly been rising in popularity. It's not a surprise that colorful plastic toy bricks with many different themes, which enables you to use your imagination to no limit, are this successful. 

Over the years, Lego has been releasing sets of many different video games, cartoons, and movies Even though these sets were quite popular, they are more focused on their own characters and classic themes such as Legoland.

Colnect has been built by collectors just like you. If you wish to contribute to our growing community of collectors and start making catalog better for other fellow collectors then you can add new items, add images and information to already existing items, help to translate catalog to your language, edit the catalog, write wiki articles, and even create your own categories. If you are interested in trading collectibles, you can check out marketplace.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Interesting facts through collectibles: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

We have all heard of Mark Twain's fictional character, Tom Sawyer. His best friend and the narrator of Twain's two other novels, Huck Finn was introduced on February 18, 1885, in the U.S.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is told in the first person and although it is the sequel to Twain's earlier works. This novel touches many serious topics, such as racism, slavery, and religion. All of these are emphasized with the extensive language and racial stereotypes of characters. Despite it being criticized for a very long time, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn still remains among one of the greatest pieces of  American literature.

The popularity of Mark Twain's novels is undeniable. Reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an adventure of its own. Many items were made with themes of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. Some of them feature quotes from novels, while others illustrate characters. Several of these collectibles can be found on Colnect.

Colnect has been built by collectors for collectors. Do you want to start contributing? Check our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page and start leaving your mark. If you have collectibles that you would like to sell or buy then you can go to Marketplace and start trading with others.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Interesting facts through collectibles: St. Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!! We would like to wish everyone to have a wonderful time on this magnificent holiday.

Valentine's Day is a celebration of romance in many parts of the world, which honors one or more saints named Valentinus. It's interesting that this day was first celebrated in the 14th century. Later, in the 18th century, the holiday started being celebrated in a fashion similar to today, introducing heart-shaped symbols, cupid, and the tradition of giving each other gifts and handwritten greeting cards.

One of the biggest traditions of Saint Valentine's Day is giving gifts to your loved ones, because of this many gift cards were made to celebrate the day of love, some of which you can find on Colnect. There are also other Valentine's Day themed collectibles worth checking out if you are interested.

Colnect has been built by collectors just like you. If you wish to contribute to our growing community of collectors and start making catalog better for other fellow collectors then you can add new items, add images and information to already existing items, help to translate catalog to your language, edit the catalog, write wiki articles, and even create your own categories. Don't forget to take a look at marketplace if you want to buy or sell your collectibles.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

New Category: Paper Napkins

We are happy to announce the launch of a new awesome category on Colnect. Paper napkin catalog is now available for collectors around the world.

Usually, when we hear napkin we automatically assume a rectangular item, used for wiping mouth and hands while eating. But there is much more depth to it than most think. The first use of paper napkins is dated back to 2nd century BC, in ancient China and it was mainly used for serving a tea. Nowadays, napkins cover a wide array of functionality and there even exists many origami techniques to create specific paper napkin designs.

Paper napkins category was suggested on Colnect New Categories forum several years ago. Recently, we have found a dedicated coordinator for it, luissaldanam.Now we are proud to present the category to the public with more than 13,500 items yet.

Paper napkin catalog has 9 different options for sorting. These include countries, napkin types, qualities, shapes, folds, colors, uses, themes, newly added. Collection management tools are also available for this catalog. 

Do you want to help to expand paper napkins on Colnect? Check our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page to find out how you could contribute. If you have paper napkins which you would like to sell or buy then don't forget to check out the marketplace.

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