Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 13 Marks Simon Bolivar as El Libertador - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

Latin America's chief liberator, Simon Bolivar, successfully administered political and military leadership in order to free the nations that would become Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Panama from the rule of the Spanish Empire by January of 1825, and the beautiful depiction of El Libertador's legend is immortalized on the Angel Zeballos Simon Bolivar postcard.

Colnect's vast array of collectibles features this gorgeous Venezuelan postcard that reproduces the artist Angel Zeballos's famous portrait of Simon Bolivar. He is often shown with the sword, as he fought alongside soldiers in Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Venezuela against the Spaniards on his way to uniting the region, albeit for a short time, in the Pan-American Republic of Colombia.

The actual man was not just a military strategist, but also a fierce politician who used his intellect and belief to instill democratic ideologies and free the heart of Latin America from the colonial power of Spain, which is why he is also depicted in the postcard's portrait as writing at a desk.

Bolivar's letters are widely considered to be insights into his thoughts of republican values, including the "Carta de Jamaica" letter, and his adept use of the Spanish language marked him as a military hero that was also a learned man of education.

Though the united region of the Republic of Colombia disintegrated after Bolivar's resignation of the presidency on January 29, 1830, the legacy of El Libertador who instilled Latin American pride and freedom in the people of the Americas is a highly regarded one to this day. This postcard is one of numerous highlights that grace the Colnect Catalogs.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 8 Celebration of "with The Beatles" Stamp - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

On the 8th of January in 1966 the Beatles single "We Can Work it Out" went Number One on the pop charts, and forty one years later Great Britain issued a British penny stamp titled "with The Beatles" to commemorate one of the greatest musical outfits of the twentieth century in print.

Colnect's rare catalog of collectibles features the January 7, 1997 issued British Beatles stamp in all of its historic glory. The band's single remained atop the charts for another three weeks beyond January 8, but the legend that came to surround the brilliant quartet, beginning with their early work, would capture their genius and project them as timeless.

The stamp itself is highly decorative and unusual in its uneven perforation that gives the effect of there being a stack of infamous Beatles records. The top album is an early one in black and white, but there is a gorgeous smattering of color above and behind the record, and these others are perfect representations of the LPs that changed the world.

The Beatles continue to influence and shape the musical universe in the twenty first century, and their history of sensuous melodies and innovative ventures is surely a welcome addition to any collection. This stamp captures a moment in time, and there are myriad moments of similar fortitude that grace Colnect's collectibles.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Belgium's January 5th Transportation Telecard - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

Seventeen years after this gorgeous Bastogne Transportation Ticket was issued in Belgium, the date of the rare collectible reflects back, as an exciting piece of history where nearly one hundred years ago the Austria-Hungary army attacked the Balkan state of Montenegro on January 5, 1916.

In 1995, this Belgium parking permit sold for twenty five Euro, but at Colnect the Euro-based item is immortalized as a European symbol of unification that was lacking in the winter of 1916. Less than two years prior to the attack on the Montenegro region, the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian nationalists setting off the powder-keg that would become World War I.

The royal red, blue, and gold mark the Bastogne ticket as a artistic right of passage and parking in the Belgium state.

The German states, like the Belgium region, allied themselves with Austrian forces and formed much of the Central Powers during the Great War that would cause strife across all of Europe, ripping the continent apart.

This rare piece, featuring a crowned crest and shield was good for up to fifty hours of parking in Belgium on January 5, 1995, and it is also one of Colnect's many collectibles that can be viewed through the massive catalog.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

China's 1985 White Elephant New Year Stamp - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

China's celebration of the New Year often invokes an animal - the year of the Rabbit begins on February 14, 2012 - that is attributed to the annual period, but on January 1, 1985 the mythic Kings on White Elephant stamp was issued on the world's New Year.

The stamp's beautiful display of an ardent world myth encompasses Indra, or Pinyan in China, and is just one of the innumerable historic pieces that are featured on Colnect in the rare collectibles database.

Indran is the God of Weather and War, and is widely considered the King of Gods, or at least of demi-gods, in China, Asia and Europe. The gorgeous stamp is rich in color and detail and features worshipers and kings riding the back of the great Indo-European entity. Indra, who is a symbol of power, is depicted as an enormous white elephant complete with tusks and regal dressings that adorn a head and a boat-like object seating the people on its back.

The White Elephant stamp emerged in China on New Years day twenty-seven years ago, and is surely an excellent rarity to collect if you enjoy bringing a little history into the New Year. The Colnect Catalogs have a vast array of historic treasures waiting to be found.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Classic Bottle Caps with Coca-Cola’s “Christmas Coke" Bottles Re-Patented on December 25, 1923 - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

This December, on Christmas, marks the 88th anniversary of the Coca-Cola re-patent, through which Coke stamped December 25 on the Classic glass vessels that were later dubbed the “Christmas Coke" bottles by many avid collectors of Coca-Cola memorabilia and their Classic Coke bottle caps.

At Colnect there is a beautiful array of the Coca-Cola Classic bottle caps amongst our vast catalog of rare collectibles.

The story of Coke’s infamous dated bottles bolstered the company’s sales and forever linked them closely with the holiday, as many Coca-Cola Christmas advertisements began, and they have continued on for decades in the US and around the world.

The Classic red and silver cap design, in particular, became Coke’s biggest thematic element, as the flowing script amongst the classic, sleek, and yet always modern red, white,and silver cast the soda company into a collector’s Americana category. And this remarkable look has appeared in the majority of Coke’s marketing, as well as in their holiday advertising because the red and white coke elements work wonderfully with any Christmas aesthetic.

The ribbed hobble skirt design for the glass Coke bottles was agreed upon, as was the metal bottle caps (rubber stoppers had been used in prior years), and the company re-patented this, receiving a December 25, 1923 date for it. The Classic Coca-Cola “Christmas Coke" bottles were then stamped with this date for years to come.

The Classic Coke bottle caps are extremely collectible and showcase a design that has become a legend over its near one hundred years in existence. These bottle caps are an inspiring and featured member of the Colnect bottle cap catalog that is well worth visiting.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

FAST New Servers! :)

We're pleased to announce that we've now deployed new server for Colnect. These machines are MUCH FASTER than what we've been using before. Hopefully, you will all feel the speed improvement. The other important thing is that Colnect will now be able to properly handle the surge in traffic. As more and more collectors join Colnect, it's becoming more and more a bountiful resource for all collectors around the world. You're naturally most welcome to invite all your collector friends to join us.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rarity Score - Unique New Feature on Colnect

Colnect is currently implementing a system for rating the rarity of actual items featured by attributed collectors on the site. Rarity Scores would harness the ability to determine just how rare an item actually is amidst the expert Colnect collectors.

This score stands to weigh the Colnect inventory of collectors who have said items against how many are also seeking them. In this way, the more common items would appear as such, with appropriate values given them.

Should the Score take into account the fact that a particular item's condition is listed as Mint or as Used? A feature like this could differentiate the rarest of the rare. Should the credibility of the Collectors that are on Colnect be a factor? New Colnect users should almost certainly have to be marked as such, as current users get great feedback for their work, trading, and collections over time.

Colnect already features an intuitive Collector Ratings system, so that collectors are proven by their activity and collection sharing to be honest and upstanding.

One of the goals of the Rarity Score at Colnect is to provide collectors with a go-to reference guide that can help place value on collectibles. Colnect's adept use of Collector Ratings, the way that Collectibles are featured, and the way in which desired items are placed in a Wish List and collectors' items that are available are placed in a Swap category already makes for an extremely useful guide, while continuing to connect the world's brilliant collectors and their collections in the ultimate networking experience.

The Rarity Score can greatly bolster Colnect.

Anyone that has any input or suggestions as to how Colnect can make the transition from the already well organized catalog system to one that is also including Rarity Scores would be appreciated. There is an ongoing forum on the Rarity here.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today In History Through Collectibles - 16 December

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

On this day in 1773, a group of colonists from Massachusetts who were disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded and raided three British tea ships at the Boston Harbour and proceeded to dump 342 chests of tea into the harbour.  This was popularly known as "The Boston Tea Party".

This midnight raid was in protest of the British Parliament's Tea Act of 1773, which was favouring the East India Company by lowering its tea tax and granting it monopoly of the American tea trade.

As soon as the three ships known as the Dartmouth, the Elanor, and the Beaver, arrived at Boston Harbour carrying the tea, the colonists were outraged and demanded that it be returned to England.  This request was refused by the Massachusetts Governor, Thomas Hutchinson and as revenge Samuel Adams, the Patriot leader organised the "tea party".
About 60 members of the Sons of Liberty resistance group  dumped $18,000 worth of tea into the Boston Harbour on the night of 16 December 1773.
The Boston Tea Party was an important event in the growth of the American Revolution. Parliament responded to the destruction of British property by implementing Coercive Acts which also resulted in the closure of Boston's commerce until such time that the British East India Company were reimbursed their losses.  This resulted in more protest actions by the colonists and the crises escalated resulting in the start of the American Revolutionary War in 1775.

Collectibles on Colnect that Commemmorate This Day in History:

 In 1973 a set of se-tenant stamps was issued in the United States to commemorate the "Boston Tea Party":


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

14 December, AMUNDSEN REACHES SOUTH POLE - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

Norwegian Roald Amundsen became the first explorer to reach the South Pole by beating his British rival, Robert Falcon Scott.
Roald Amundsen born in Borge, near Oslo - Norway, in 1872. He was one of the heroes in polar exploration.
Amundsen planned to be the first man to reach the North Pole, and was about to embark on his mission in 1909 when he was informed that the American Robert Peary had already achieved the feat. He instead sailed for Antarctica in June 1910, where Robert F. Scott, the English explorer was also headed with the same aim of reaching the South Pole. Amundsen sailed his ship into Antarctica's Bay of Whales early in 1911 where he set up his base camp closer to the pole than Scott. Both explorers set off in October – Amundsen used sleigh dogs while Scott used Siberian motor sledges, Siberian ponies, and dogs. Amundsen's expedition won the race to the South Pole on 14 December 1911 and he returned safely to base camp in late January.

Scott's expedition was marred by misfortunate. His team reached the pole on 18 January 1912 only to find that Amundsen had preceded them by over a month.

Amundsen established a successful shipping business after his historic Antarctic journey. He later made attempts to become the first explorer to fly over the North Pole. In 1925 he flew within 150 miles of the goal, but in1926 he succeeded and he passed over the North Pole in a dirigible just three days after American explorer Richard E. Byrd had apparently done so in an aircraft. A diary that Byrd had kept on the flight was however found in 1996 that suggested that the he had to turn back 150 miles short of his goal due to an oil leak. This thus confirms that Amundsen's dirigible expedition was in fact the first flight over the North Pole.

Amundsen disappeared on June 18, 1928 while trying to rescue a fellow explorer whose new airship Italia had crashed at sea near Spitsbergen, Norway while returning from the North Pole. It is believed that the plane Amundsen was in crashed in fog in the Barents Sea, and that he was killed in the crash, or died shortly afterwards. His body was never found.

Collectibles on Colnect that Commemorate This Day in History:

Russia issued a silver coin in 1995 in their Expedition & Exploration series to honor this great man.

This is another of the Norway Phonecards that honour Roald Amundsen:

Several countries have honoured this noble man by featuring Amundsen on stamps:


Monday, November 28, 2011

November 29, 1993 Release of the “Dram” Banknote as National Currency for Armenia - Today in History Through Collectibles

On this pivotal day in 1993,the Republic of Armenia officially cut its last and most important link to the Soviet Union by adopting the “Dram” banknote as its official currency.

This week marks the eighteen-year anniversary of the memorable event that began the Republic of Armenia’s economic independence with the release of the intricately exquisite “Dram”banknotes.  Colnect features these rarecollectibles in all of their glory.

These historic documents come out of a unique country that borders Turkey and is located at a crossroads of three important regions, as the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Western Asia come together around its lands.  The Republic of Armenia’s “Dram” is not just a symbol for the fall of the Soviet Union, but is more one for their newly emerged national identity.

Of the first banknotes to beput into circulation in the Republic of Armenia, there were eight denominations:  ten, twenty-five, fifty,one hundred, two hundred, five hundred, one thousand, and five thousand “Dram”.

An example of a 500 note is pictured here and shows the gorgeous blue, violet, and green color scheme interlaced with woven designs and a classic Armenian colonnade.

It is an inspiring design and a featured member of the Colnect banknote catalog that is worth remembering.

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

Colnect Reaches Milestone at Over 210,000 Unique Stamps

November 2011 marks a new landmark for Colnect; in just under ten months, the world’s “best stamp catalog” has bolstered its masterful stamp collection from 150,000 to more than 210,000 unique stamps!

In fact, Colnect, its members, and the Frognector have added a massive 10,000 unique stamps to the archive in the last month alone. Colnect Stamp Coordinator Klaus Jochimsen [Lola22] has done an amazing job managing and boosting this premier stamp catalog to amazing renown.
Colnect stands apart in terms of managing and expanding collections across the globe. Nowhere else can members upload their collections, categorize them, and vie with potential traders, sellers, and buyers for whatever strikes their heart, including the rarest of rarities: the “circuit of space flight to moon, 1966 Russia” stamp.
The connections that people make through Colnect has culminated in the continued growth for collectors of all types, and each new member is helping to add their own personal touch, and stamps of course, to the myriad amount of stamps, teabags, coins, bankcards, beer coasters and more that are showcased on Colnect.
Colnect features an intuitive use of translation software that allows its members to easily communicate with fellow collectors in fifty-eight languages. This is why serious collectors of all ages, creeds, countries, and interests use Colnect to manage their own personal stockpiled passions.
There is a lot of fun to be had on Colnect. Please peruse the incredible stamp collection and scour the site for anything that moves the collector in you.
Get connected and Colnected, and keep collecting!

November 28, 1989 Release of Moon Rover Delivering Mail on Universal Postal Congress Stamp - Today in History Through Collectibles

Thisweek marks the twenty-two year anniversary of the four gorgeous “Moon Rover UPUCongress Futuristic Mail Delivery” stampdesigns that were released on November 28, 1989.

Theywere issued at the first ever Congress of the Universal Postal Union that washeld and also at the World Stamp Expo ’89. These are true collector’s items that can be foundon Colnect.
Atthe close of the Cold War, the space race still loomed large in people’s minds,and the possibilities for future universal travel, living in space, and yes,even mail delivery, seemed infinite.

TheMoon Rover stampswere born at a time when anything concerning space travel was not onlypossible, it was probable, and in the near future too.

TheMoon Rover stamps are vivid, detailed, and colorful as they depict a scene fromthe future:  mail delivery on the moon. Such lunar delivery might be outof the USPS, UPS, and FedEx range for the moment, but the science-fiction-likestamps are certainly inspirational.

Inthe pictured 45 Cent (US) stamp, the earth can be seen in a lustrous bluespherical form in the background, as the lunar rover treads gray, mountainousterrain of the moon. Its satellite dish and driver peer over the surface,probably scouring the distant horizon for any mailboxes incognito. The Americanflag covers the front of the vehicle, and the packages and parcels of many aMartian of Earth traveler line the back.

Thefour stamp designs were printed in souvenir sheets and also individually inse-tenant – which means that the four different types were sold together.
Thestamp set’s philatelic information is as follows: Minkus Number A125;denomination 45c; Perforation type 11; Intaglio & offset color printmethod. 

Manyof the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated withcertain historical events that have taken place over time. This appliesespecially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate thesespecial historical events, countries release special issues of these items thatdepict images and information relevant to these events.

Throughour “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight specialevents in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that areassociated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

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