Sunday, November 14, 2010

Coin Catalog Displays 22,222+ Coins for Coin Collectors

Good news coin collectors!

Our coin catalog currently displays over 22,222 coins for our coin collectors. This growth in coin collectibles could only mean more possibilities just for you. Our coin collectors can now enjoy larger variations at a bigger scale. Let us all hope for a fast growth for the months to come. With more collectors flocking on Colnect, more milestones wouldn't be far from reach.


Stuff your coin collections with more coin collectibles. Always check whatever you have and whatever you don't have. You can also try searching for the newly added coins. Make sure to get everything in your wishlist.

We would like to grab this opportunity to thank Angelo Parla [angelo13] for his endless efforts and remarkable contributions in managing our coin catalog. Our gratitude also goes to every coin collector who has contributed over time. You are always a part of every milestone that we achieve. :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Transportation Ticket Catalog Has More Than 2,022 Tickets

Collections on Colnect are growing fast. As people join our community, the collectibles in every catalog continues to grow. Now we are all proud to announce transportation tickets hitting 2,002 mark. All these achievements are due to the never-ending efforts given by our coordinators and of course, the support and active participation we get from our members.

The selection of transportation tickets are now boasting a decent amount on the transportation ticket catalog. With 2,022 tickets and counting, Colnect shows progressive growth on all of the catalogs. There is so much to choose from and there's a bigger opportunity of getting your most sought-after tickets on your watch list. Check the transportation ticket catalog to see the newest additions. Make sure to tell your friends about this.

This milestone will not be achieved without our transportation ticket catalog database coordinator, Gary Hoff [gazzaoz]. Upon his endless efforts, we are able to reach new heights and bigger amount of tickets. From a small start of hundreds, we are able to come up with thousands. Each transportation ticket comes with interesting unique design and origin.

If you haven't joined Colnect, then it's time for you to try and experience how Colnect can aid you with your collections management. If you are already a member, help your collector pals know about Colnect.

fb_xd_fragment Bug Workaround

This post isn't meant for collectors on Colnect but is rather a technical post regarding Facebook integrations with a website.

Facebook "Like" button gets broken on IE when using the new Facebook API?
Your server gets weird requests with fb_xd_fragment in the URL?

This is a Facebook bug with the following quick solution:

1/ Change your FB.init to the following

FB.init({appId: appId, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true, channelUrl: ''});
// ^ channel URL above used to workaround fb_xd_fragment bug

2/ Create the static file for with the following content:
<script src=""></script>

IMPORTANT NOTE: ensure channel.html has proper expiry headers sent, otherwise it might slow down user experience and overload your server.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

4,444 Gift Cards on Free Catalog for Collectors by Collectors

Time flies fast and so our collectibles in our catalogs. We're proud to announce that we now have passed 4,444 gift cards on our gift card catalog. This is more than a hundred percent estimated increase in gift cards this month since we last announced it in July boasting 2,222. We would like to thank the commendable work of our gift card catalog coordinator Claude Martin [Claude] who has exerted extensive efforts of managing the catalog over the past few months.

As you may have noticed, the collectibles in store for you are growing. Grab your wish list and have your pick among the gift cards and get those that you wish to have on our free catalog. Check the new ones being added on the gift card catalog. You never know what you are missing unless you check the latest additions.

Tell everyone about this. Share this good news to your friends and let them know the wonderful experience you have with Colnect, your first stop for collecting needs. :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

In Loving Memory of Avi Wald 2/Apr/1949 - 27/Sep/2010

Avi Wald has passed away on September 27, 2010 following over two and a half years of battling Glioblastoma Multiform IV (GBM), the most common and violent form of brain cancer. Without him, Colnect would never have existed. While there is a lot that can be written about Avi and his life, this post will focus solely on his connection to Colnect and the world of collecting.

Avi started collecting after fourth and youngest son, Uri, asked him to help his phone card collection. At first he just helped Uri by looking for used phone cards left on public phones but he soon became interested in the phone cards themselves and started collecting together with Uri.

As Avi's collection kept growing and he became a serious collector his second son, Ofer, created Islands Phonecards Database for phone card collectors. Ofer wanted his father to use the Internet more and has thus created a site to allow Avi to manage his phone card collection and easily swap phone cards with collectors the world over. Islands Phonecards Database gained popularity with phone card collectors as it offered them free online catalog of phone cards and means to communicate with each other.

Avi's third son, Amir, later took control over Islands Phonecards Database from Ofer and transformed it into Colnect. The phone card catalog started growing quickly with the help of Colnect's community and Avi spent hours a day in front of Colnect updating his personal collection (with over 25,000 different phone cards from 171 countries marked on Colnect!) and interacting with fellow collectors. He was always honest and generous in dealing with other collectors. Some of them became Avi's friends. Even as Colnect progressed to include more collectible categories, Amir had frequently consulted Avi.

Avi's phone card collection is presented in several videos about Colnect

At the end of February 2008, the whole family was shocked when Avi was diagnosed with GBM. The grim prognosis of GBM meant that half the patients in Avi's condition died within 11.2 months of initial diagnosis. Despite this and other medical issues which soon surfaced, Avi always tried to keep his and his family's spirits up high. He never gave up on his phone card collection and kept in touch with other collectors. Even as his condition worsened, he still tried to attend collector meetings.

Avi died at the age of 61, leaving behind his wife Aliza, his sons Dror, Ofer, Amir and Uri and his grandchildren Raz, Yuval, Almog, Inbar and Zohar. May he rest in peace and may his fantastic character always inspire us.

Friday, September 24, 2010

15,151 Collectors Already?

It has been a fast growth, isn't it? Collectors are now numbering more than 15,151. Last month, we announced 14,141 collectors in Colnect. In just a small amount in time, we're reaching again yet another milestone. As more collectors continue to join Colnect, we're thinking of better and more creative ways to truly inspire each Colnector. We're welcoming more and more people to be a part of our community. If you have friends who happen to collect, tell them about your great experience in Colnect.


Facebook is one of the biggest social networking sites in the world of social media and its integration with Colnect contributed a lot to the growth of our community. We would like to grab this opportunity to welcome our members in Colnect who recently joined. Our deepest gratitude goes to each one of you who continues to support our community and continues to contribute in one way or another. It is a guarantee that we will give the best service possible to each one of you.

Joining Colnect is free. If you are reading this post and you're not yet a member, you are so invited to join Colnect. We have a vast collection of stamps, coins, bank notes, bottle caps, phone cards, hotel key cards, bank cards, gift cards, casino cards, transportation tickets, tea bags and post cards. Let us show you why collecting is easy and fun in Colnect.

Happy collecting! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

121,121+ Stamps Listed on Colnect's Free Stamp Catalogue

Over 10,000 stamps have been added to Colnect's stamp catalog. With 121,121+ stamps, there is a fast growth in number basing from the previous post in June. This fast growth could be attributed to the non-stop work of our stamp catalog coordinator, Klaus Jochimsen [Lola22]. We would also like to commend immensely our stamp collectors for their support and efforts that aided a lot in the growth of our stamp catalog.


Take your pick among 121,121+ stamps. Be sure to grab what you are missing. Stamps come in different sizes, colors and origins. Make your collections bigger by swapping stamps with other users. Don't miss the chance to trade with a lot of stamp collectors and enthusiasts. Enhance and let your collection grow through Colnect. Help Colnect through your addition of missing stamps in our catalog.

If you happen to be a stamp collector and you haven't joined Colnect yet, now's the perfect time for you to join our big community. Sign up an account in Colnect. You will love it here as we continue to add great features in our website to render the best collecting and connecting service. Colnect is available in 50 languages to make sure that all collectors are conveniently connected worldwide.

Happy collecting! :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

8,008 Hotel Key Cards in the World's Biggest Catalog for Collectors

Colnect is getting big with Hotel Key Cards. We are now displaying over 8,008 Hotel Key Cards in our Hotel Key Card Catalog, the biggest catalog in the world. This huge accomplishment could never be possible without the efforts of our Hotel Key Card Coordinator, Ignacio F López Vico [iflvico].


Huge collectibles in our hotel key card catalog enable our hotel key card collectors to choose among a variety. Members get to enjoy swapping hotel key cards coming from their favorite hotels all around the globe. It's a fulfillment for collectors to boast a great number of hotel key cards in their collection originating from every side of the planet.

If you're fond of collecting hotel key cards, then you will surely enjoy our list of collectibles in our catalog. Collections vary from If you haven't "Colnected" yet, you are welcome to join us in Colnect and be a part of our growing collectors community.

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