Here at Colnect there is a new way to recognize the great
collaborators that have made our catalogs as amazing as they are: there is now a
Five Star Contribution attribution for dedicated Colnectors!

Recommendations for stars come from the Colnect coordinators and are awarded by our community manager iflvico and by our translations manager BrunosapiJens.
Though the Star System is hard to give guidelines for, it can be defined as a rewards system that attempts to estimate the amount of assistance given by volunteers on Colnect. If a member adds 1000 items with little information and another adds 100 items with excellent details, then they might get the same star treatment.
The general guidelines for the three star system were based on an estimate of how many hours the collector gave in helping Colnect (or how many hours the coordinator would estimate the contribution to be worth):
1 star > 5 hours
2 stars > 50
3 stars > 200
Since achieving the last of the the previous Three Stars for recognition of contributions, Colnect has seen fit to expand the field to Five Star ratings, which can be seen on the many interesting collectors' profile pages. This should result in more stars being rewarded.

Colnect continues to grow because of the many dedicated members that arduously donate their time and energy to bolster the organization of the vast array of
collectibles on our catalogs. There are numerous Colnectors that continue to organize, correct, and contribute to the many wondrous artifacts on Colnect, from the
Cozel bottle cap's sheik red coloring of the Czech Republic top, to the evil Darth Maul's
Star Wars gift card from Toys-R-us.

You can tune in to the ongoing
forum about the Five Star Contribution system, and as always, please continue to collect and to revel in Colnecting!