Thursday, June 10, 2010

Colnect, Frognector and a Guitar at the Hitech Annual Conference HTIA2010

Colnect has presented for two days at the Hitech Annual Conference in Jerusalem. Colnect got its booth as a prize for winning a competition done by The Wadi.

Colnect had its promotional video on display at all times. If you haven't seen it yet, you're welcomed to check out Colnect's YouTube channel.

Colnect's founder (yours truly) was playing guitar to get the attention of each and every passerby and tell them about Colnect and how unique and different it is.

The most expensive phone card issued in Israel was on display, though not for sale. It is a special phone card issued by Bezeq and given to the late prime minister of Israel, Itzhak Rabin. There are only 3 more such phone cards known to exist and the one we had on display is in mint condition and is worth a few thousands of dollars.

Colnect decided to clearly differentiate its booth from those of other companies by offering shots of Arak, a 50% strong alcoholic beverage, to those who could say three times quickly "Collectors collect and connect on Colnect". Here are a few videos of people who have taken on the challenge:

Want to join us for a drink?

I would like to use this opportunity to thank Ofer and Lara for helping me out in arranging the booth and presenting Colnect to the visitors in the conference.
For more pictures and video you're welcomed to check out and "like" Colnect's Facebook page.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Recommend Collectors and Collectibles on Colnect to Your FaceBook Friends and WIN Prizes!

Who are the collectors you recommend on Colnect?
Which are the collectible items you recommend on Colnect?

If you have a FaceBook account, you can now easily recommend your favorite collectors and collectible items from Colnect to your FaceBook friends. To see the prizes you can win check out Colnect's news page.

Here's how to recommend a collector:

and how to recommend an item from Colnect's huge catalogs:

Happy recommending :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Colnect's Phone Card Catalog, The World's Biggest, Has Over 230,000 Phone Cards Listed

Colnect's phonecard catalog reached a new milestone today, as 230,000 phonecards have now been uploaded onto Colnect for collectors to mark in their "Collection", "Swap" and "Wish" lists. Tbis monumental achievement could not have made without the tremendous work of our volunteer phonecard contributors and especially our phonecards coordinator, Ignacio F. López Vico. It is because of his efforts and the contributions of many dedicated collectors on Colnect, that our phonecards catalog, the world's biggest, keep growing so quickly and have already passed 230,000 phone cards.

If you would to like to help upload some of the next phonecards or any other collectible to Colnect, please feel free to contact us.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Collectors Gain From Colnect and WorthPoint Partnership

We're happy to announce a new partnership between Colnect and Worthpoint.

WorthPoint can make you money in any financial climate

WorthPoint is the place to help you discover your hidden wealth. WorthPoint can make you money in any financial climate. Value, sell and acquire with precision, through:
* Extensive valuation data & expert advice
* Networking with and promotion to trading partners
* Access to the largest auction houses & other trading venues
* Inventory from hundreds of antique dealers
* A collecting community 350,000-strong and growing every day

Collectors from both Colnect and Worthpoint can now benefit from special offers.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Colnect Collectors Community promotional video with Japanese audio.





















Sunday, May 2, 2010

Frognector's Visit in TheMarker's ComVention 2010 - First Part

Frognector has decided to share with us his impressions of the Internet convention he has visited today. @Frognector is @Colnect's superstar frog and has been attracting collectors to Colnect for the last year.

Dear fellow frogs and humans (especially collectors as the rest are simply less interesting...), please bear with me as this is my first post outside the swamp where I usually pass my time. Your comments are welcomed here and will motivate me to post more pictures.

This year's ComVention was held in a much scarier place than last year. A dinosaur roared at me and although he initially scared me, he actually just wanted to compliment my green outfit.

As I'm against war, I jumped a green soldier that was running amok in the convention and told him he definitely should collect militaria instead of actually firing it.

Some of the geeks around didn't know me and looked at me pretty oddly. Luckily, this guy had a green shirt so we had a good connection.

But not every goof with a green garment is that friendly. I was almost eaten alive.

Luckily I was saved by a guy with a mask.

And went on to talk about Israeli Palestinian business with a red head.

Using Ouriel's new iPad, I explained to her Colnect has long been available in both Arabic and Hebrew, as well as 48 more languages.

She was quite impressed and...

to be continued

If you want to see the second part you'll have to comment here.

Monday, April 26, 2010

11111 Collectors Collect and Connect on Colnect

Collectors from all around the world manage their personal collections and swap with other collectors using Colnect's personal collection management and unique Auto-Matching feature.

Not long ago we announced there more than ten thousand collectors have already become members of Colnect and today we're happy to announce there are over 11111 collectors on Colnect. There has been a record growth on March and we hope to soon break that record. Technical difficulties rose as a result of the growth and we've been working very hard to optimize Colnect and upgrade our servers to better cater for our collectors. Meanwhile, our free stamp catalog has been growing rapidly and recently passed the 100,000 stamps marker.

If you're a collector and haven't yet checked out Colnect, you're most welcomed to join our community and enjoy our unique free services. Happy collecting :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Colnect's Catalog Surpasses 100,000 Stamps

Colnect's stamp catalog reached an incredible milestone today, as 100,000 stamps have now been uploaded onto Colnect for collectors to mark in their "Collection", "Swap" and "Wish" lists. Tbis monumental achievement could not have made without the tremendous work of our volunteer stamp contributors and especially our stamps coordinators, Fabien Eicke and Klaus Jochimsen. It is because of their collaborative efforts that stamps have become the 2nd collectible category (after phonecards) to eclipse 100,000 items in our catalogs.

Currently, the United States has by far the largest quantity of stamps in our catalog with over 10,000. This next closest countries are France at just under 4,000 and East Germany with slightly more than 3,000. If you would to like to help upload some of our next 100,000 stamps or any other collectible to Colnect, please feel free to contact us.

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