Colnect, Connecting Collectors. Colnect offers revolutionizing services to Collectors the world over. Colnect is available in 63 languages and offers extensive collectible catalogs and the easiest personal collection management and Auto-Matching for deals. Join us today :)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Trading Card Games on Colnect - New TCG Catalog
We're starting with 5,281 Game Cards but surely with your help it'll grow very quickly. The coordinators for the category are SerdarAkar and ALeitao. If you've never contributed information to Colnect before, please read our Catalog Contribution Guidelines.
The category has started at the request of collectors and the entire discussion can be seen here on the forum. You may suggest and become a coordinator of more categories on Colnect - just read our More Collectibles? page.
Our blog has been quiet for a while as most of our announcements are published directly on our announcements forum where you can get regular updates. If you wish to write to our blog don't hesitate to make your suggestions.
Happy collecting :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Cheaters / Thieves - Swapping Tips
Swapping tips
* If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.
* A collector with a few or no positive ratings should always send items first. If you're a new member, your best bet is to swap with members who have many positive ratings. After sending a package to a collector, you may give a neutral rating and change it to positive once you receive your package. This will help in preventing mass-cheats. See: Ratings
* Always use registered packages and keep the receipt. If you didn't register the package, it's your responsibility.
* Be very suspicious if the collector's real name or other details are different on Colnect and on the mailing address.
* Alert us about any suspicious offer you receive. This will help keeping other members protected.
For more information, check the Collector Warnings and Ratings Forum.
Recent Warning
The following person has opened numerous accounts on Colnect and got many negative ratings on all of them. If any collector from Serbia would like to report this person to the local police, please do. Here are some of the details used:
Dejan Kostic (or Marina Kostic)
Voje Micica 81
16000 Leskovac
Mirjana Rajkovic
Radnicka 5 / 28
16000 Leskovac
Please read more information about this person here
Monday, April 26, 2010
11111 Collectors Collect and Connect on Colnect

Not long ago we announced there more than ten thousand collectors have already become members of Colnect and today we're happy to announce there are over 11111 collectors on Colnect. There has been a record growth on March and we hope to soon break that record. Technical difficulties rose as a result of the growth and we've been working very hard to optimize Colnect and upgrade our servers to better cater for our collectors. Meanwhile, our free stamp catalog has been growing rapidly and recently passed the 100,000 stamps marker.
If you're a collector and haven't yet checked out Colnect, you're most welcomed to join our community and enjoy our unique free services. Happy collecting :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Cheating Collectors NOT Welcomed on Colnect
Here are some recent changes to Colnect meant to reduce the number of cheaters:
- The list of collectors with negative ratings has now been made public.
- A link to the Swapping Tips page has been added on relevant profile and ratings pages.
- Added a link to the side menu: Forums / Warnings.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Banknotes for Collectors on Colnect

Banknotes are now available on Colnect and collectors from around the world can manage their personal collection using the catalog offered on Colnect, already with over 15,000 banknotes.
New categories can be added to Colnect and if you're a collector of any mass-produced collectible you are most welcomed to help and add your favorite collectibles.
Over a hundred collectors have helped out to create Colnect's catalogs.
Colnect's phonecards catalog is the world's most extensive, currently with ~157,000 phone cards listed. Colnect's coins catalog is the world's biggest free coins catalog, currently with ~15,000 coins. Colnect's stamps catalog is growing quickly and already has over 68,000 stamps listed. Colnect's new bottle caps catalog already has ~5,400 bottle caps listed.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Collectible Bottle Caps for Collectors on Colnect

Bottle caps are now available on Colnect and collectors from around the world can manage their personal collection using the catalog offered on Colnect.
Colnect's catalogs are created by volunteering collectors and updated constantly. The initial catalog of bottle caps, already with over 5,000 bottle caps, has been contributed by one member of Colnect, Paul Giba.
More categories will soon be added to Colnect and if you're a collector of any mass-produced collectible you are most welcomed to help and add your favorite collectibles.
Over a hundred collectors have helped out to create Colnect's catalogs.
Colnect's phonecards catalog is the world's most extensive, currently with over 155,000 phone cards listed. Colnect's coins catalog is the world's biggest free coins catalog, currently with over 14,000 coins. Colnect's stamps catalog is growing quickly and already has over 68,000 stamps listed.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Buying and selling collectibles
Buy List / Sell List
These lists are available with Premium Membership. Unlike Custom Personal Lists, collectibles added to these lists appear on the Collectors inventory information section of each single collectible item page.
When adding collectibles to these lists it is best to put the relevant price in the public note box. We suggest using world-popular currencies and use their 3 letter code rather than symbol. Example: USD is always US dollar, but the $ sign has different meaning in different countries.
NOTE! Prices you quote must be valid. You may add details regarding trades on your personal page under My Account. Complaints received regarding invalid prices (for example: you offered to sell an item for a certain price but later asked for a higher price) will be investigated. If you are found dishonest, your Colnect account may be deactivated without any refunds.
Link and Search
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