Sunday, April 21, 2013

Colnect Welcomes the New Tea Labels Category!

We are happy to announce the addition of a new category and catalog to Colnect - Tea Labels
"Pepermunt/Menthe poivrée" - Tea Label from the Netherlands.  From the new Colnect Tea Labels catalog.
The Tea Labels category was initiated and built as sister catalog of the Teabags category by the Teabags coordinator, Carine De Pauw [crookscarine]. The new category will be headed by Carine De Pauw [crookscarine] as well, who will take on this new category, additionally to her responsibilities on the Teabags category.
"Enjoy Me" - UK Tea Label, from the new Colnect Tea Labels catalog. 
The budding catalog now holds 155 labels, but with your help, it can quickly match the size of the Teabags catalog and surpass it. If you are interested in knowing how you can join in and contribute to the new catalog, you are welcome to take a look at our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page.
"Princess" - Lithuanian Tea Lebel, form the new Colnect Tea Labels catalog
The Tea Labels catalog, as mentioned before, was built in relation to the Teabags catalog, and so will include a nifty little feature that will enable collectors to match each Tea Label to it's corresponding Teabag on the Colnect catalog. All you need to do is take a look at the "teabag" field on the item description, and click the corresponding link.
"HAS Qualitee" - German Tea Label, from the  new Colnect Tea Labels catalog
As all Colnect catalogs, the Tea Labels catalog was created at the initiative of collectors, structured and designed as they see fit. You can take a look at the entire building process and discussion on the forum thread. Are you interested in seeing more collectibles on Colnect? Collect Something not yet on on Colnect, and you would like to start anew category? Read more about it on the More Collectibles? page.
"Assam Tea, ˶Każdy krok...˝" - Polish Tea Labels, from the new Colnect Tea Labels catalog
We would like to thank all who helped and participated in the build of this category and wish the best of luck to this new catalog, and its coordinator, Carine De Pauw [crookscarine] :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Medal Collectors - welcome to Colnect!

We are happy to announce the opening of a new Medals category on Colnect.
"Order of the People's Army with Golden Star" - Yugoslavian medal, from the New Colnect Medals Catalog
A long awaited category, the Colnect Medals Catalog, is home to a unique kind of mass-produced collectible. Medals are a collectible that is, by definition, relatively rare. Many times a collectible Medal is passed on as family heirloom, and each holds a personal meaning that goes beyond the title of the medal alone. The catalog will be open to many kinds and Usages of Medals, from Military, through Education to Sports.
"Humanitarian Service Medal" -  USA medal, from the New Colnect Medals Catalog
The category will be co-coordinated by Hernan Bofill [hbofill12], and [neweden]. There have been a lot of efforts made by devoted collectors, such as the coordinators and more, to bring this category to life. The catalog now holds 272 precious Medals from 10 countries. With the help of more collectors, it can develop into a comprehensive and impressive account of World Medals.
"College of Montreal Medal" - Canadian medal, from the New Colnect Medal Catalog
The category was built at the request and initiative of Colnect Collectors. You can see how the build was developed on the forum. If you would to see how you can contribute and join in on the catalog, you are welcome to read all you need to know on the Catalog Contribution Guidelines page.
"Bronze Star, for acts of heroism" - USA  medal, from the New Colnect Medals Catalog.
Are you  a Medals Collector? Would like to meet the other collectors on this category? Come see the new Medals Collectors Forum.
"General Güemes" - Argentina medal, from the New Colnect Medal Catalog
We would like to thank all who helped make this wonderful category happen, and wish the category, and it's coordinators the best of luck :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Over $10,001 in Prizes! Colnect Collectors API Contest has now Started!

Over $10,001 in Prizes!
First place wins $5,005 cash AND $2,002 worth of advertising!
Budding developers, veteran programmers, teams with ideas and skilled collectors, if you've been wanting to create your own product for collectors, have been looking for an opportunity to use your innovative skills, NOW the time to join in.
Frognector, are you Ready?
The Colnect Collectors API Contest is now open, and we challenge you to create the most useful, interesting and well-built solutions for collectors.

Our contest is a unique opportunity for you to create your own application and enjoy: 
* Exposure to the world’s biggest and most active online collector communities
* Feedback from experienced collectors that will help you design and improve your application. 
* Over $10,001 USD in prizes! First place wins $5,005 cash AND $2,002 worth of advertising!
* Direct support from key members of Colnect with vast collecting and technical experience.
...and Action!
Want to enter the contest? Have an idea? Don't have an idea, but want to read more? Want to know what Colnect is all about? Go to the Colnect Collectors API Contest page, it's easier to click than to guess :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

555 Collectors Volunteer on Colnect

People are good in nature. Colnect may have been founded by one person, but it wouldn't have been able to be what it is now if it wasn't for the collectors who contribute to it. Since the beginning of Colnect, collectors joined, one by one, from all corners of the world to create catalogs for the benefit of All Collectors.
Colnect is now standing on three pillars of five, 555+ collectors who volunteer their time and dedicate their efforts to  the build of the catalogs. It must be said, their efforts are showing. In every category the catalogs are growing and reaching new milestones, and in a faster pace. Only recently we marked two milestones, on the Stamps category, and the Phonecards category. Only this month there were 20,202+ collectible items added on the Colnect catalogs, that now contain over 1,111,111 collectible items. Volunteers keep the catalogs not only expanding but also accurate and complete by editing, commenting and adding information.

Contributing collectors come from all collectible categories and from varied countries, from Spain to Australia, from Taiwan to Belgium, from Venezuela to Greece. They all come together for the same purpose, and by each showing their own collection and information about collecting we can all see how vast is our combined pool of knowledge and culture and how truly rich we all are, together.

We would like to Thank you all, Stars of Colnect, for your good efforts and good will. We are creating a great resource, and we will expand it even more in the future, to make sure no collector is left behind :)

Interested in collecting? Want to know more about how to contribute on Colnect? Read more on the Catalog Contribution Guidelines page. Want to see a NEW collectible category on Colnect? Take a look at More Collectibles?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Colnect, Connecting Collectors - Animation

Did you ever wonder how collectors trade on Colnect? Now this animation clarifies the whole process :)
This animation has been created by Almog Wald, nephew of Colnect's founder, Amir. Thank you Almog for sharing.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

1,111,111 Collectibles on Colnect

We are very proud to announce that the items on the Colnect Catalogs have reached the incredible mark of 1,111,111 Collectibles!

This number was reached due the devoted contribution of many good collecting souls that continue to volunteer their time, talent and knowledge to creating and constantly growing the best world collecting community and it's catalogs.

Newly added item to the Stickers Catalog

We would like to express our continued gratitude and appreciation to all those who make Colnect not only possible, but a great environment for collectors, for connecting, exchanging, learning and growing. To all of you, from the Contributors that give the information to the Category Coordinators who process it, from all those who take the time leave Comments to the Editors that review the catalog, to the Translators that make the catalogs available to all worldwide, to all the Forum participants that help divert attention to important details, all of you - thank you. We hope you all see the wonderful outcome of your efforts on the catalogs, and see how your contribution is manifesting itself on Colnect.

Newly added item to the Stamps catalog
Want to take part? Would like to see more items on the catalogs? Missing your country items? Read more about contributing to the Colnect catalogs on our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page. Colnect does not have a Collectible Category you are interested in? Would like to see a new Category on Colnect? See our More Collectibles? page.

Newly added item to the Postcards catalog
Is seems that Progress is contagious, and the growing amount if info on the catalog made other categories accelerate their pace. Recently we have been marking a few catalog mile stones such as 300,303 Stamps and 400,004 Phonecards. The catalogs themselves too decided to raise their numbers, with the recent additions of the Drink Labels, Functional Cards and Video Games categories. Even collectors themselves increased their presence, with (now over) 40,004 collectors.

Newly added item to the Coins catalog
Only in the last month more than 30,000 collectible items were added to the Colnect Catalogs. Every category has it's own pace, it's own style and obstacles. Some category items are harder to get information about, some less, but every category in it's own field is adding impressive amounts of items and enlarging the catalogs by large percents. From categories adding hundreds of items a month to some category raking in thousands and even tens of thousands, all have all the right reasons to be proud and satisfied.

Newly added item to the Video Games catalog

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Drink Labels on Colnect - New Drink Labels Catalog is now available

We're very happy to announce the addition of a new Drink Labels category to Colnect.
"Torrontés" - Argentinian 2009 Wine Label. Newly added on Colnect
For now the catalog is starting with a small amount of labels on the catalog, and so we invite all Drink Label collectors to get involved and contribute to the catalog. We want to make sure it will prosper, as there is a large community of Drink Labels collectors that will benefit from it. Surely with your help it will grow very quickly. The coordinator for the category is Hernán Bofill, [hbofill12]. If you've never contributed information to Colnect before, please read our Catalog Contribution Guidelines.
"Antología XXIV" - Argentinian 2008 Wine Label. Newly added on Colnect
The category has started at the request and initiative of collectors and the entire discussion can be seen here on the forum.

Would you like to see more categories on Colnect? Collect a kind of item you would like to see on the Colnect catalog? Colnect is always looking to expand the catalogs to include all kinds of collectible items. Categories are created during discussions with collectors on the the New Categories forum. Come see the forum, you can participate and you can become the coordinator of a new category. Just take a look at our More Collectibles? page.
"Nectar Premium Beer" - USA Beer Label. Newly added on Colnect
Take a look at the new category and let us know what you think. If you have any suggestions or notes you are welcome to comment here on our blog. 

We thank Hernán Bofill, [hbofill12], and all those who participated and helped on the build of this category. We wish the category and the new coordinator good luck with this new collectible catalog.

Our blog has been quiet for a while as most of our announcements are published directly on our announcements forum where you can get regular updates. If you wish to write to our blog don't hesitate to make your suggestions.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Functional Cards: New and Game Changing Category

We're excited to announce the launch of a new and important category on Colnect - Functional Cards.

The new Functional Cards catalog, now on Colnect
In a joint effort of active collectors and after much deliberation it has been decided to create a new category that will include all Collectible Functional Cards. The entire discussion can be viewed on the Functional Cards forum thread.

"Quantica Escolar. La Escuela en Internet" - Venezuelan remote memory card.  From the new Colnect catalog.
This category has the potential to grow to be a vast mother category. "Functional Cards" refer to any collectible cards that have an additional function in its structure. Thus it could serve to house many kinds of cards, all of which are generally collected in different combinations by collectors rather than exclusively. It will provide a comprehensive and easy to use catalog to all those collectors of Functional Cards that have many sorts of cards in their collection but need one convenient place to find and manage them. Functional Cards include items from a wide range of fields from Telecommunications, Computer security and Satellite Communications to TV and Entertainment. The systems of the cards used include chip, magnetic stripe, inductive, optic, remote memory and more.

"PRE-PAGO EThERON" -  Venezuelan Remote memory card. From the new Colnect catalog.
The category coordinator is Carlos Rodriguez [venezuelanphonecards], who will be taking on the Functional Cards Category additionally to his responsibilities on the Phonecards category. This is not by chance, the two categories are closely related.

The creation of a Functional Cards category can now accommodate all the relevant cards not yet on Colnect, including the many on the catalogs today that were wrongly attributed to a certain category. This constitutes a big change because of the endless potential it offers.

"CyberCard" -  Venezuelan Remote memory card. From the new Colnect catalog.
Sizable effort has gone into the planning of this category, considering the importance of a category which is needed to be able to properly serve a large variety of relevant items. The current size of it is definitely no indication of it's future. Structure and definitions of this catalog have been taken care of. Now will be the time of growth, as more contributors join in and more collectibles added.  

We invite all collectors of Functional Cards to join this new category. You can  participate in the discussion on the New Functional Cards Collection Forum. If you are interested in this collectible, why not be part of building it for the benefit of all collectors? You can always contribute to the catalog and be part of its build. If you've never contributed information to Colnect before, please read our Catalog Contribution Guidelines.

"WebCard" -  Venezuelan Remote memory card. From the new Colnect catalog.
Collect a kind of item you would like to see on the Colnect catalog? Colnect is always looking to expand the catalogs to include all kinds of collectible items. Come see the New Categories forum. You can participate and you can become the coordinator of a new category. Just take a look at our More Collectibles? page.

Take a look at the new category and let us know what you think. If you have any suggestions or notes you are welcome to comment here on our blog or on the forum
" y Agendas Lec" - Venezuelan Remote memory card. From the new Colnect catalog.
We would like to thank Carlos Rodriguez [venezuelanphonecards], and all those who gave their time and effort to make this category come true. We wish the category and its coordinator all the luck with this new and exciting catalog.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Video Game Catalog Kick Start!

We're excited to announce the addition of a new Video Games category to Colnect!

 More than a 1010 items on launch and rising - The new Video Games catalog on Colnect
The catalog has been growing well from the very beginning and it is already holding 1,011 items from 11 different Consoles. This category has great potential to showcase a wealth of items since it covers items from nostalgic to latest additions. The growing community of Video Games collectors is growing to match the pace of the Video Games production, both rapidly increasing. This category can expand even further with your help and contribution to be a wonderful new addition to the Colnect catalogs and community. The category will be headed by it's coordinator, Alejandro Javier Delgado [Chop-Suey].

"Banjo-Kazooie" - a 1988 Nintendo 64 game. Out of the new Video Games Catalog on Colnect.
If you've never contributed information to Colnect before, please read our Catalog Contribution Guidelines. We invite all collectors of Video Games to join in, see this category prosper and be a great place for Video Games collectors around the world to connect. You can also take a look at the new Video Games Collection forums.
"Viking Battle for Asgard" - a 2008 Xbox 360 game. Out of the new Video Games catalog on Colnect
The category has started at the request and initiative of collectors and the entire discussion can be seen here on the forumWould you like to see more categories on Colnect? Collect a kind of item you would like to see on the Colnect catalog? Colnect is always looking to expand the catalogs to include all kinds of collectible items. Come see the New Categories forum. You can participate and you can become the coordinator of a new category. Just take a look at our More Collectibles? page.

"1994 Super HIK 4-in-1 + 1" - a 1994 Famicom game. Out of the new  Video Games catalog on Colnect.
Take a look at the new category and let us know what you think. If you have any suggestions or notes you are welcome to comment here on our blog or on the forum
"007: The World is Not Enough" - a 2001 Game Boy Color game. Out f the new Video Games catalog on Colnect.
We would like to thank Alejandro Javier Delgado, [Chop-Suey], and all those who participated and helped on the build of this category. We wish the category and the new coordinator good luck with this new collectible catalog.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Colnect: Goodbye 2012 - Welcome 2013!

This past year has been a year of many additions, from collectible categories, through features to the very inner workings of the system for Colnect. Colnect has grown, both as a community and as a catalog, network and website, and with it it learned, improved and bettered itself. Just as 2012 begins and ends with the number 2 which symbolizes togetherness, Colnect began and is ending it's year peaking with it's greatest strength - cooperation.
Many collectible categories joined the Colnect ranks in 2012, to proudly represent and cater to all their collectors. Categories such as Pocket Calendars, Sugar Packets, Lego Sets, Stickers and Trading Card Games are each now holding their place with a respectable catalog of their own. All these categories were established by collectors and with collectors that initiated, maintained and contributed to make it all happen.

Year 2013 Pocket Calendar, from the Colnect Catalog
Some categories are in the works now, to be made public in this coming year of 2013, such as Drink Labels, Medals, Video Games and Functional Cards. All collectors interested are welcome to join and contribute to the new categories by contacting the respective category coordinators. We wish all these categories and their coordinators luck and success in the new year. All the process of construction of new categories has been available since this year on the new "New Categories" forum, where everyone cam follow new suggestions of categories and suggest some of their own.
Year 2013 Pocket Calendar, from the Colnect Catalog
The Colnect community itself has been increasing in size, as more and more collectors are discovering all the advantages it offers. Only last month Colnect marked it's latest milestone of 40004 collectors registered. The community members have also been reaching out to each other more on the personal level, and were afforded the comfortable opportunity to in the new Meetings and Events forum.
Year 2013 Pocket Calendar, from the Colnect Catalog
The expanding catalogs have been benefiting from the many generously active helping hands of collectors around the world, and have also marked milestones of their own. The Stamps category reached 300303 Stamps, the Coins category now superseded it's previous milestone of 30003 Coins, while the Phonecards category has achieved the number of 400004 items on it's catalog.

Year 2013 Pocket Calendar, from the Colnect Catalog
Possibly the most important and influential changes introduced to Colnect are in the added features and the improvement of the system. Colnect has been working to make itself smoother, more accessible, easier and friendlier to use. New features included the valuable Best Matches option, the Colnect Item Score for collectible items and the 5 Star Contribution system.

Year 2013 Pocket Calendar, from the Colnect Catalog
The most exciting part of this changing year is that 2013 is sure to bring with it much more revolutionary changes, improvements and many more very welcome additions. Already now we are expecting great potential from the results of the work on the Colnect API, the New Method to Add Items and Colnect Marketplace.

Year 2013 Pocket Calendar, from the Colnect Catalog
Thank you to all are continuously helping to realize such a wonderful, useful and effective tool for collectors of so many items around the world. There is no room to thank each one individually, but we hope this will be a great year for each one of you and for all of us together.
Happy New Year 2013 !

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Brothers Grimm 200th Anniversary - Stamps Telling History

Stamps and well written tales have something very important in common. They both serve a purpose to tell a story, and for both there will always be passionate people, be it avid readers of books or Collectors of Stamps, who's love and appreciation help conserve these important stories and pass them on from generation to generation.
"The Brothers Grimm", depicted on a German stamp issued in 1959 
This year marked the 200th Anniversary of the Brothers Grimm's first published collection of folk tales named "Children's and Household Tales" ("Kinder- und Hausmärchen"), that was published in 1812.

"Cinderella and her coat" and "Cinderella and her shoe" , German Stamps, 1965
The Brothers Grimm (GermanBrüder Grimm or Die Gebrüder Grimm), Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859), were German academics, linguists, cultural researchers, and authors who together collected folklore. They are among the most well-known storytellers of European folk tales, and their work popularized such stories as "Cinderella" (Aschenputtel), "The Frog Prince" (Der Froschkönig), "Hansel and Gretel" (Hänsel und Gretel), "Rapunzel", "Rumpelstiltskin" (Rumpelstilzchen), and "Snow White" (Schneewittchen).

"The story of Hansel and Gretel", German Stamps, 1961
The popularity of the Grimm's collections of folk tales endured well beyond their lifetimes. The tales are available in more than 100 translations and have been adapted to many popular films around the world, crossing all cultural barriers. They have created a legacy that enriches the lives of many entire nations, reaching them one child at a time.
"Snow White", German Stamps, 1962
In honor of the 200th Anniversary of the Brothers Grimm's body of work we wanted to display the lovely German series of Stamps, displayed on the Colnect Stamp catalog, made about their most famous published works. The series, issued throughout the 1960's, depicts different famous moments and plot points from their most well known tales. Almost each year there was a new tale of the Grimm brothers retold through Stamps. The artist beautifully depicted, in a childlike simplified nostalgic style, scenes we all grew up to be so familiar with, as were our parents, their parents before them and so on.

"Little Red Cap", German Stamps, 1960
We hope that the best stories of our culture will continue to be remembered and retold through Stamps, as well as other collectibles, with the dedication, enthusiasm and understanding that so many collectors and collectors communities we have come to know and cherish on Colnect have shown again and again.

Cheerful Holidays and Happy Collecting :)

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