Monday, August 1, 2016

Coins Reaching 66,666 on Colnect

In an appropriate tribute to the year 2016, we're happy to celebrate Colnect Coins catalog passing the 66,666 Coins mark.

This year we have seen a lot of positive progress for Numismatic collectibles on Colnect. Maybe most importantly, we've seen the addition of the Year Variants in the coins catalog.
1 Mahbub (With rose) Gold Coin from Egypt, 1730, from the Colnect catalog  
With over a thousand new coins added every month, the coins catalog is growing in impressive speed. The speed does not come at the expense of the quality of the catalog, that maintains it's high standards for information and images.
The success of the catalog is due to the impeccable work of the coordinators, Angelo Parla [angelo13] and Hernán Bofill [hbofill12], and the dedicated editors and contributors of the category.
1 Sovereign (Victoria Queen) Gold Coin from Australia, 1855, from the Colnect catalog
If you would like to help add items to the catalog, please see our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page.
500 Dinara (Preserve Planet Earth Series - Brontosaurus) Copper-Nickel Coin from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1993, from the Colnect catalog
We wish all the best to the catalog that is getting better and better every month. There's a bright and shiny future for this numismatic category.

1 Cent (Silver edition) from Sierra Leone, 1964, from the Colnect catalog

Thursday, July 28, 2016

FreeDNS / NameCheap DNS Servers Attacked / Hacked? Are your domain suddenly directed to ?

UPDATE: following email correspondence with the hosting provider for the IP they have taken down the server there till further notice. At least now users won't be redirected to phishing and malware websites.

Today we were alarmed to find out that our server domains are not resolved properly to their correct IP address but to an IP address we're not familiar with

The reason for this issue was that FreeDNS servers have responded with the wrong IP instead of our real IP. To some people, this wrong IP cause a redirect to a malware website! Please comment here if you suffer from a similar issue.

While it seems that, at least in our case FreeDNS now responds properly, the malicious DNS entry has gotten a TTL (Time To Live) of 1 week which means that if the various domain name servers who received the wrong IP are actually obeying this TTL your website may be inaccessible for an entire week!

To check if your domain is resolved properly, you can use a service such as digwebinterface or whatsmydns to check quickly how different DNS worldwide resolve your domain. You can also use dig or nslookup to see quickly what a specific DNS replies.

In a chat with NameCheap they denied being hacked as their support supervisor wrote "I can assure you that our servers have not been hacked.". Well, if not hacked, have they done this on purpose? Getting many of their domains to point to a malware site? Do you smell a lawsuit coming?

Here's a bit of info about the IP used for this hack:

IP Address13.14.166
CityNess Ziona
Country CodeIL
ISPNet-Style Atarim Ltd

 As for our own website I've posted this message on our forum:!f=6&t=68917&p=192078#p192078

Dear members,

UPDATE: we have posted on our blog about this issue as well.
UPDATE2: if you're on windows try to also launch ipconfig /flushdns from command prompt to ensure your computer is trying to fetch the correct DNS.
UPDATE3: we've updated more entries to the hosts file to ensure all our servers respond properly.

PLEASE SAVE THIS MESSAGE IF YOU SEE IT. If other Colnectors are having trouble please assist them.

DNS is a service that translates a domain name ( such as ) to an IP address ( such as which is our main IP ).
One of our DNS providers had problems on their servers. I suspect they've been hacked but are unaware of it. Thereby you may not see Colnect properly and instead get redirected somewhere else.

If this happens you can here are your options:

1/ Close your browser, wait a bit and try again. If it doesn't work then go ahead and flush your DNS cache. However, if your DNS provider didn't get updated yet you may need to follow the next steps.

2/ Update your hosts file manually by adding these two lines:

If you choose this option you may want to comment out these lines later as we plan to change IP for in the coming days as we upgrade our server.

3/ Set your DNS servers to Google's own and - here's a guide

We are very sorry for this trouble. While their DNS now seems to work well, the bad records showing a different IP address might still be cached on other DNS providers.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Accelerated Growth - 131313 Members Now on Colnect

The Colnect community, ever growing, has now reached 131,313 Members!

To take a quick look back at the way we have come, as a community, we need to go back to August 2009, when we celebrated our first milestone of 5,555 members. From there the community almost doubled in 8 month's time to - 11,111. The community just kept doubling its previous milestone, getting to 20,020, than going to 33,33340,00450,50566,66670,707 until reaching the beautifully round number of 100,000 almost exactly a year ago.
"100 Złotych (Władysław I Lokietek (1320-1333))" Poland Coin, from the Colnect catalog

Important thing to note, that the rate of growth in our community in the past 2 years has tripled (!) from the rate of growth in the preceding years.
"Barbara Virgin and Martyr" Italy Holy Card, from the Colnect catalog
33,333 members have joined Colnect in the past year, to form our current community of collectors from 150 countries around the world. This means that the amount of collectors joining this year is six times larger than our entire community at the first milestone!

"Parque Generalísimo Francisco de Miranda" Venezuela Admission Ticket, from the Colnect catalog
More members, means more collectors, means more collections! In a very fitting number, over 33,333,333 inventory items have been added to Colnect since the last milestone of 110,000,000 inventory items. Inventory items are any item that a member adds to their collection, swap and wish lists.

"Icon of Holy Annunciation" Macedonia Postcard, from the Colnect catalog
As the community develops, so does Colnect as a collection management tool and a website to connect collectors. The past year we've seen Colnect dawn a sleek new outfit, added with dynamic sorting, was joined by 2 new categories, Admission Tickets and Holy Cards and much more.

"Yugoslavia Vs. Indonesia" Yugoslavia Admission Ticket, from the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank the over 900 contributors that make Colnect the effective tool it is today. The contributors help make the catalogs as complete, accurate and interesting as possible, and are doing great, dedicated work, on their own time, for the benefit of all collectors.

"10th Anniversary of the Admission of Angola in the UN" Angola Stamp, from the Colnect catalog
Want to join as a contributor on Colnect? Learn more about what you can do to help on the Contributor Guide. You are also welcome to check out and join our efforts to complete the catalog with ALL images on the Zero Missing Pictures Campaign.

"National bank in Skopje" Yugoslavia Postcard, from the Colnect catalog
We're excited about Colnect getting a larger and larger collector's community, providing more opportunities for each collector, improved tools of use, better collecting and better connecting. We wish all Colnect collectors to have a thriving and fulfilling collecting year.

""Agatha Virgin and Martyr" Italy Holy Card, from the Colnect catalog

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Over 80008 Tea Bags on the Colnect catalog!

As is becoming a yearly tradition, we are now celebrating a new milestone for the Tea Bags catalog, surpassing 80,008 Tea Bags. In a perfect succession we have previously celebrated 70,070 tea bags in 2015 and 60,006 tea bags in 2014.

"Thank god..." Netherlands Tea Bag, from the Colnect catalog
This year over 10,000 unique new tea bags have been added to the catalog. The leading countries, by numbers, remain Germany, USA, UK and the Netherlands. At the same time, we've had new countries joining this year with their first representing tea bag, such as Mali and Kuwait.

"Calmer Chameleon Infusion" UK Tea Bag, from the Colnect cataog
The catalog's growth is meticulously and carefully conducted by the wonderful coordinator, Carine De Pauw [crookscarine]. The coordinator's dedicated work and high standards resulted in this perfectly cohesive, beautiful and comfortable catalog. You can read more about the Tea Bags coordinator in a short interview we had with her in 2011.

"Earl Grey Tea Blend" Netherlands Tea Bag, from the Colnect catalog
In April 2013, crookscarine has also created the Tea Labels catalog, that matches the Tea Bags catalog. This catalog is also now rapidly growing and already contains over 4000 tea labels.

"High Quality Sencha Tea Bag" Japan Tea Bag, from the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank the Tea Bags coordinator and the great contributors, for the excellent effort they have made to bring this catalog to its current vision.

"Senne Oczka" Poland Tea Bag, from the Colnect catalog
Would like to join as a contributor on the Tea Bags catalog? Learn more here how you can help. Want to help on Colnect in some other way? Please read the Contributor Guide for more information.

"Premium Ceylon Tea Irish Breakfast" USA Tea Bag, from the Colnect catalog

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Highlighting 6,897+ Tokens on Colnect

We at Colnect are happy to celebrate the achievements of the Tokens category. The catalog has come such a long way from its humble beginning of 100 tokens, and has now grown to feature over 6,897 tokens from 126 countries.
"Canciller Wines" (Argentina), from the Colnect catalog

New tokens are added every day, with hundreds added every month. The catalog maintains a high standard, showcasing every single token with beautiful quality images. This is all thanks to the wonderful efforts made by the Tokens Coordinator, Hernan Bofill [hbofill12], the Editors and Contributors.
                                                       "Vaduz Castle" (Liechtenstein), from the Colnect catalog

Last year we celebrated the Numismatic Delight of having over 5,000 Tokens on the catalog, and already we see that over 1,234 tokens have been added since.
"1 Cent" (Cocos (Keeling) Islands), from the Colnect catalog

The type of tokens most added this year is Numismatic Medals, many from Poland, but also from Mozambique and the UK.
                                                                "Czech Glass Exhibition" (Russia), from the Colnect catalog

Would like to join as a contributor on the Tokens catalog as well? You are welcome to learn more on the Token Catalog Contribution help page. Want to contribute on another catalog, help with translations or even start a new category on Colnect? Please see our Contributor Guide.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Colnect has 1,234 Casino Cards now!

Hi Colnectors, we have reached a new milestone - 1,234 Casino Cards! ;)
Do you collect casino cards?
"Khreschatyk Club Imperial" (Ukraine), from the Colnect catalog

The catalog is not so big, but we still find this success quite remarkable.

We have over 45 countries in the catalog at the moment.  
As well as 185 chains of casinos! And of course the numbers keep growing :)
"Shangri - La Golden Circle" (India), from the Colnect catalog

The Casino Cards catalog has been created together with the Gift Cards catalog several years ago and has seen quite some improvement since then.
"Casino Viva México" (Mexico), from the Colnect catalog

We'd like to thank the category's coordinator Motie Krawitz, [motikr], and databse coordinator Grigor Kashov, [eurolift], for leading the category into the right direction.
"Imperia" (Russia), from the Colnect catalog

Finally, thanks to our 900+ contributors and 190+ editors, we are marking the new milestone in Colnect's 2016 chapter.
"Casino Cafe Reduta" (Slovakia), from the Colnect catalog

Willing to become a contributor? Help the catalog grow!

Follow the guidelines here.

Happy Colnecting!

Monday, April 4, 2016

65,656 Banknotes on Colnect!

We are already reaching a new milestone - 65,656 Banknotes! So, now we are taking a moment to appreciate all the new items that were added, as well as the catalog in general.
"50 Florin" (Aruba), from the Colnect catalog

As the catalog is very popular and is one of the veteran Colnect categories, it experiences rapid growth every year. Our last milestone was in late June, marking 60,006 banknotes, and now, after 9 months, we have added more than 50,000 collectibles.
"50 Dinara" (Croatia), from the Colnect catalog

The catalog includes 290+ Countries, 6 Compositions, 300+ Printers, 300+ Years, 250+ Face Values, 700+ Currencies, 17 Catalogs, as well as, Newly Added, where you can browse new banknotes added 1, 3, 7, 14 and 30 days ago.
"100 Kroner" (Norway), from the Colnect catalog

Banknotes category is taken care of by two co-coordinators Vidami Istvan [mozistv] and Imre Csendes [SethChimera]. Thank you for your devotion and help!
In addition, we thank our 900+ Contributors and almost 200 Editors for adding so many collectibles every single day.
"20 Hryven" (Ukraine), from the Colnect catalog

And now, we would like to show you some special banknotes from all over the world, as well as some interesting facts about them.
For example, to deal with hyperinflation that reached the crazy level of 231 million %, Zimbabwe's government issued a $100 trillion note (1 with 14 zeroes — making it the note with the highest face value in the world). It is one of the most favourite and popular items in every banknotes collection ;)

100,000,000,000,000 Dollar
100,000,000,000,000 Dollar Back
"100,000,000,000,000 Dollars" (Zimbabwe), from the Colnect catalog

Another interesting fact is that Queen Elizabeth II’s portrait has graced the currencies of 33 different countries. Nobody has beat her record yet. Canada was the first to use the British monarch's photo, in 1935, when it printed the 9-year-old Princess on its $20 notes.

"20 Dollars" (Canada), from the Colnect catalog

The Queen is frequently shown in formal royal attire, although Canada and Australia prefer to depict her in a plain dress and pearls. And while many countries update their currencies to reflect the Queen's advancing age, others enjoy keeping her young.
"1 Dollar" (Australia), from the Colnect catalog

And finally, the world's largest single banknote is the 100,000-piso note created by the government of the Philippines in 1998. Designed to celebrate a century of independence from the Spanish rule, the note was offered only to collectors, who could purchase one of the limited-edition notes for 180,000 pisos, or about $3,700.
100,000 Piso" (Philippines), from the Colnect catalog

Are you a Banknotes collector? Make sure to subscribe to our World Paper Money forums (for collectors, about the catalog updates, a marketplace) and always be up to date with catalog news and interesting discussions.

Thinking about becoming a contributor? Don't hesitate and read this page - start making a difference now!
Happy Colnecting!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

2 years of Milk Cup Lids on Colnect!

There is a milestone to commemorate! Our Milk Cup Lids catalog has been on Colnect for 2 years :)

"Yogurt with blueberry-raspberry flavour" (Russia), from the Colnect catalog

The catalog currently has almost 16,500 items from all over the world!
"Boy with Sheep" (Iceland), from the Colnect catalog

Milk Lid Cups catalog includes 50+ Countries, 625+ Companies, 2 Uses, 20+ Foods, 400+ Brands, 40+ Years, 190 Themes and Newly Added (1, 3, 7, 14, 30 days ago).

"Siedenstrasse" (Switzerland), from the Colnect catalog

Thanks, Els Van Gastel [leeuwin], the Milk Lid Cups coordinator, for making this catalog so pleasant and diverse :)

"Roses" (China), from the Colnect catalog

Another thank-you to all Colnect's contributors, who help the catalog grow, and editors, who help the catalog to stay in order.

Want to contribute too? Read the Guidelines here.

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