Tuesday, December 20, 2016

33, 333 Drink Labes passed!

Colnect catalogs are growing super fast! Today we celebrate the new amazing milestone of Colnect Drink Label catalog

33, 333 drink labels!

"Christkindlesmarkt Bier", beer label, Germany, Federal Republic, Colnect

Could you imagine that only for the last 24 hours 419 drink labels were added to our awesome Drink Label catalog?

"La Rulles Cuvée Meilleurs", beer label, Belgium, Colnect

We launched Drink Label category almost 4 years ago. Since that time dedicated and passionate collectors have developed the Drink Label catalog to an impressive piece of collaborative work.

"Kerstberen Bier", beer label, Netherlands, Colnect

We are grateful to all collectors, editors, and contributors, who made Drink Label catalog happen and support it with contributing new items. Special thanks to category coordinator Mario Wicht [Betta1970] for the great work on developing, enlarging, and bettering Drink Labels on Colnect!

"Christmas", beer label, Belgium, Colnect

Want to join us and better Colnect together? We always welcome and appreciate any help. If you've never contributed information to Colnect before, please read our Catalog Contribution Guidelines.

Merry Christmas and happy collecting!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

83,838 postcards on Colnect reached!

Colnect catalog is growing fast and this year we marked passing two milestones of Colnect postcard category - 66,666 and 77,777 postcards. Now it's time to add more variety to the milestone numbers and we are happy to celebrate the new awesome milestone of 

83,838 postcards!

It`s hard to express how much we appreciate the work of dedicated coordinators of Postcard category, Vadym Sulimenko [Dravec] and Grzegorz Pająk [quarteris]. Thank you for all the things you do to keep the category grow and develop.

Also, Postcard catalog wouldn`t be so beautiful, diverse and impressive without the great contribution of the editors, translators, and contributors. Thank you, collectors!

For the last four months, more than 6,060 postcards from 132 countries were added to the catalog. The most of them are from Germany, Federal Republic, USSR, and Italy.

Recently added postcards feature 347 themes. The most popular of them are Townscapes/City Views, Buildings, Architecture, and Landscapes.

Want to join us as a contributor? Please read our Postcards Catalog Contribution Guidelines. You can learn more details on how to contribute to Colnect on the Contributor Guide.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Sunday, October 30, 2016

More than 66,666 Hotel Key Cards!

A year and a half ago, we were celebrating 50,005 Hotel Key Cards on the catalog. Now, over 16,666 Hotel Key Cards later, we are proud to mark the new milestone of 66,666 Hotel Key Cards, showing that the catalog is only growing faster and better as the milestones pass.
"Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort - Queen of hearts" Canadian hotel key card, from the Colnect catalog
With a rate of over 1,666 cards added every month, Colnect now features a catalog with Hotel Key Cards from 196 countries, 2,907 hotel chains and 292 themes.
"Hostal de la Gavina ***** GL" Spanish hotel key card, from the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank the coordinators of the category, Ignacio F López Vico [iflvico] and Angel L. Nebro [a1954], for their wonderful work on the hotel key cards catalog.

"Renaissance Golden View Beach Resort" Egyptian hotel key card, from the Colnect catalog
We would also like to express our appreciation for the contributors who make, by adding card after card, this catalog look the way it does today.
"Carlton Inter-Continental Cannes" French hotel key card, from the Colnect catalog
Would like to help add key cards to the catalog? Learn more on the Contributor Guide.

"Park Silver Obelisco Hotel" Argentinian hotel key card, from the Colnect catalog

Monday, October 24, 2016

Over 33,333 Beer Coasters!

There are now over 33,333 Beer Coasters on the Colnect catalog!
"1664" French Beer Coaster, from the Colnect catalog
Since it started in January 2011, the catalog grew and developed, raising quality as it goes along.
"Siebenstern Brau" Austrian Beer Coaster, from the Colnect catalog
The catalog features coasters from 158 countries and 5,552 brands (!).
"'t Geheim van de Smit" Netherlands Beer Coaster, from the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank the coordinator of the category, fugitive, for his dedicated management of the catalog for over 4 years that has brought it to where it is today.
"Adambrau" Austrian Beer Coaster, from the Colnect catalog
We would also like to thank the great contributors of the Beer Coasters catalog, without which, there will be no coasters :)
"Timothy Taylor's" UK Beer Coaster, from the Colnect catalog
Would like to help add coasters to the catalog? Learn more on the Contributor Guide help page.
"Wilkenburger" German Beer Coaster, from the Colnect catalog

Monday, October 10, 2016

24,242 Bank Cards Passed!

We're happy to announce the Bank Cards category passing 24,242 Bank Cards.
"Caja Segovia" Spanish Bank Card, from the Colnect catalog
A new milestone reached is a great opportunity to celebrate the veteran category on Colnect that, since it's creation in 2009, has grown into a beautiful catalog.
"Siberian Merchant Bank. Yellow horses" Russian Bank Card, from the Colnect catalog
136 countries are represented, with cards issued on a range of years, from 1966 to 2016, with each card accompanied with a nice illustrative picture.
"Aldeas Infantiles SOS" Spanish Bank Card, from the Colnect catalog
329 Themes are displayed on the various items on the catalog, from Actors to Zodiac.

"Raiffeisenbank – Uniqa – 1" Bulgarian Bank Card, from the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank the wonderful work of the coordinator of the category, Irina Alferova [alfcard], that has done greatly in maintaining and growing the catalog. We would also like to thank, on this occasion, Jarosław Mróz [qra1969] and past coordinators Emilio Orta [Emilioorta], zild17 and Hendy Florez [hflorez].

"Universitaria" Spanish Bank Card, from the Colnect catalog
Would like to help add Bank Cards to the catalog? Learn more on the Contributor Guide help page.

"Banco Cetelem - Actual" Spanish Bank Card, from the Colnect catalog
We wish all the best to this great catalog, see you on the next milestone!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

3,333 Admission Tickets on Colnect

Only a little more than half a year passed since we have announced the start of the new catalog of Admission Tickets. In its beginning, the category included 989 tickets, and it has a come a long way since then.
"Trumper" USA Disneyland admission ticket, from the Colnect catalog
Today, the category is reaching 3,333 Admission Tickets, from 73 countries. All tickets are accompanied with quality images.
"Glungezerbahn" Austria admission ticket, from the Colnect catalog
Admission Tickets have been added from different periods, from a Yugoslavian ticket dating back to 1951 up until a range of tickets from the current year.
"Tennis Thailand Open 2003" Thailand admission ticket, from the Colnect catalog
We'd like to thank the coordinator of the Admission Tickets category, Hernán Bofill [hbofill12], and the contributors that have brought this catalog to life.
Over 321 collectors have already marked items from the catalog on their lists. Do you have any admission tickets to mark? Browse the catalog to find your tickets.

"Masked Rider - Stronger" Thailand admission ticket, from the Colnect catalog
Would like to help add admission tickets to the catalog? Learn more on the Contributor Guide help page or post your question on the forums.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

77,777 Postcards on Colnect!

In the beginning of this year we have marked reaching 66,666 Postcards on the Colnect catalog. It's now summer, the year not even entering its final season, and the Postcards catalog has already reached its new impressive milestone of 
77,777 Postcards on the catalog!
"Rila. Seven Lakes of Rila" 1982 Bulgaria Postcard, from the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank the wonderful coordinators of the Postcards category, Vadym Sulimenko [Dravec] and Grzegorz Pająk [quarteris]. Their dedicated work developing the catalog is keeping it beautiful, updated and more and more complete every year.
"Alexei Leonov. The docking of Soyuz and Apollo. 1977" Soviet Union, USSR 1987 Postcard, from the Colnect catalog
We would also like to thank all the dedicated help of all postcards editors and contributors that have helped add over 11,111 postcards this year.
"Seven sunset. Kamchatka, Kluchevskiy park" Russia 2014 Postcards, from the Colnect catalog
256 Countries are featured on the catalog. The countries with most added postcards since the last milestone are Soviet Union, USSRCzechoslovakia and Russia.
"Country house. 1877" Russia 2012 Postcard, from the Colnect catalog
The oldest postcard added this year is from 1900 from Portugal, "Coimbra-Santa Clara, View". 135 Postcards issued in 2016 have been added to the catalog as well, from 9 different countries.
"Geirangerfjord and 'Seven Sisters' waterfall" Norway Postcard, from the Colnect catalog
Want to help add more Postcards to the catalog? Please see our Postcards Catalog Contribution Guidelines. You can also read more details on contribution to Colnect on the Contributor Guide.
"Summer Palace. Seventeen-arch Bridge" China Postcard, from the Colnect catalog

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