Monday, August 10, 2015

22,222 Paper Clips Reached

Growing to 22,222 unique items in less than 20 months since its inception, becoming 11 times its original size, the Paper Clips catalog has proven itself to be a plentiful, varied and interesting collectible category on Colnect.

"Beemster electrotechniek bv" Netherlands paper clip, from the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank the category coordinator, Ton Bax [tontoos], who has been making great progress on the catalog, advancing it at a high rate and improving it. Thank you to Els Van Gastel [leeuwin], helping as an editor on the category and to the contributors of the category.

"Logo 4 coloursNetherlands paper clip, from the Colnect catalog
Founded by the initiative of Bruun01, the category has been supported by Colnect collectors from the very start. As such it was well constructed, an advantage that this catalog benefits from now as well. You can see the whole process on the original discussion.

"LogicaNetherlands paper clip, from the Colnect catalog 
The catalog boasts complete coverage of images, there is no clip left without a picture to showcase its advantages.
"Philips Vips" Netherlands paper clip, from the Colnect catalog
As Paper Clips come in different Styles of structure and different Models of form, they are a fun collectible to deal with, coming in many different shapes and manufacturing methods.

"van den Broek" Netherlands paper clip, from the Colnect catalog
The catalog displays clips from 70 different countries (!), covering the world far and wide from the Netherlands to Bahrain, from Puerto Rico to Finland, from France to Azerbaijan.

"Musée de la Création" Netherlands paper clip, from the Colnect catalog
Would like to join as a contributor on the Paper Clips on Colnect? Please see our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page. Interested in helping on other categories? Start at our Contributor Guide help page.
"Amstel hotel" Netherlands paper clip, from the Colnect catalog

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Over 20,000 Pocket Calendars on Colnect!

We are proud to celebrate the Pocket Calendars category on Colnect reaching a new high - over 20,000 Unique Pocket Calendars are now featured on the catalog.

"Monkey" 2016 Russian pocket calendar, from the Colnect catalog
Since the foundation of the catalog in 2012, the catalog has grown over 10 times its initial size. This is largely due to the dedicated work of the driving engine behind the category - the category coordinator, Hans Meeuwisse [steamtrain],

"Old Locomotive 1839 United Kingdom - 07/10" 1986 Lithuanian pocket calendar, from the Colnect catalog
The category was initially suggested and created by Pelacanyes and Hans Meeuwisse [steamtrain]. It started as a discussion on the forum that later developed to a fully fledged beautiful catalog.

"Bird" 1983 Lithuanian pocket calendar, from the Colnect catalog
The Pocket Calendars catalog is remarkably complete with all data of its items. Each and every calendar is also accompanied by a high quality image, which is an achievement in itself.

"Orchid" 2010 Laotian pocket calendar, from the Colnect catalog
With around 500 new calendars added to the catalog every month, it is no surprise that the catalog is very diverse. The catalog features calendars from around the world, from Russia, in which pocket calendars are highly popular, to special items from Angola and Laos, from Lithuania to Hong Kong and Colombia.

"TAAG Angola Airlines" 2006 Angola pocket calendar, from the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank all the great contributors and editors that help makes this catalog so rich and detailed. If you are interested in joining as a contributor on the Pocket Calendars category, please see our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page.

"People" 2010 Laotian pocket calendar, from the Colnect catalog
Want to start a new catalog on Colnect? Want to join another existing category? Want to help with translations? You can find all needed information about that and more on the Contributor Guide help page.

"Friendship" 2012 Colombian pocket calendar, from the Colnect catalog

Sunday, June 21, 2015

60,606 Banknotes now on Colnect!

Numismatics has always been a precious type of collecting, in which every item is a acquired with time, care and effort. This makes the recently achieved milestone of the Banknotes category even more impressive - 60.606 Unique Banknotes now on the Colnect catalog.

1921 German 50 Pfennig note, new on the Colnect catalog
As a highly colorful and eye catching category, it's pleasing to see how full the catalog is of high quality images. Images are not only aesthetically pleasing but gives additional detail about the note, collectors can explore using the zoom feature.

1974 5 Ceylonese Rupee note, new on the Colnect catalog
We've had Banknotes from all over the world added in the last year. From Chilean Banknotes to Romanian Banknotes, from 1872 Canadian editions to brand new 2015 issues.

1946 British West African 10 shilling, new on the Colnect catalog 
We would like to thank the coordinators of the banknotes category, Vidami Istvan [mozistv] and Imre Csendes [SethChimera] for the great work and care they have been putting into the category. The effort shows and the catalog looks wonderfully put. Since the previous milestone mozistv has been joined by a new co-coordinator, SethChimeraSethChimera has helped greatly in improving the category and accelerated its growth.

1999 Chilean 20,000 Pesos note, new on the Colnect catalog
A special thank you to all the contributors and editors who makes this catalog what it is today.

2015 10 Gambian Dalasi note, new on the Colnect catalog
Would like to join and contribute to the Banknotes catalog? Take a look at our Banknotes Catalog Contribution Guidelines.

2015 500 Philippine Piso note, new on the Colnect catalog

Monday, June 15, 2015

50,005 Hotel Key Cards on the Colnect Catalog

Hotel Key Cards from the very beginning was the largest catalog of its kind. Today we celebrate the catalog reaching the 50,005 Hotel Key Cards, 5 times larger than at the time of the second milestone. The largest catalog of Hotel Key Cards online has become so much bigger :)

"ZhuHai International Conference Centre" Chinese Hotel Key Card, new on the Colnect catalog
All the cards on the catalog are accompanied by beautiful, great quality images. This is no easy feat, and took much care and work from the wonderful dedicated coordinator who started the category, Ignacio F López Vico [iflvico] and his co-coordinator, Angel L. Nebro [a1954].

"Catalonia Hotels & Resorts - mosaico Ibiza" Spanish  Hotel Key Card, new on the Colnect catalog
The catalog is powered by the great contributors of the category. You can see reports of all catalog contributions on the Hotel Key Cards Catalog forum.

Would like to join as a contributor to the Hotel Key Cards catalog? Learn more on the Hotel Key Cards Catalog Contribution Guidelines.

"ÇiraĞan Palace" Turkish Hotel Key Card, new on the Colnect catalog
The Hotel Key Cards come from hotels all over the world, from China to USA, from Spain to Turkey, from France to Brazil.
"Golden Lake Hotel" Chinese Hotel Key Card, new on the Colnect catalog
The catalog has gone through several improvements since its inception. The hotels chains list has been conveniently aggregated, allowing easy one click access to the different countries the chains exist at in a comfortable flag pop up menu. Additional changes included improvements of the systems list, addition of a locations list and more.

"Regal Palace HotelChinese Hotel Key Card, new on the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank all the wonderful contributors who have made this catalog possible and brought it to where it is today. It is truly a catalog to be proud of.

"The Inn At The Union League" USA Hotel Key Card, new on the Colnect catalog

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

70,070 Tea Bags on Colnect!

We're happy to announce that the fast growing Tea Bag category has reached a brand new milestone - over 70,070 Tea Bags on the Colnect catalog!

"Ananas-Kokos, Früchtetee, 1213942, glossy" German tea bad, new on the Colnect catalog
9 months since the previous milestone and the catalog has gotten another delivery of over 10,000 newly added tea bags. The new Tea Bags come in a wide range, from all across the globe. From Turkey to Thailand, from Germany to Japan, From Sri Lanka to Peru, all are represented in beautiful designs.

"Lady Green, Green for You" Finland tea bag, new on the Colnect catalog
Absolutely 100% of all Tea Bags on the catalog are accompanies by beautiful high quality images. Those allow collectors to fully enjoy this highly aesthetic catalog. This in itself is a great achievement that could be attributed to the dedicated, driven and inspired coordinator of the category, Carine De Pauw [crookscarine] and her wonderful team of contributors.

"Biologische drie gember thee, 01219694" Netherlands tea bag, new on the Colnect catalog
You can learn more about Carine De Pauw [crookscarine] and her work on this interview conducted at the 60,006 Tea Bags milestone.

"Černý Rybíz & Lemongrass Ovocný čaj aromatizanový" Czech tea bag, new on the Colnect catalog
We would like to thank the wonder-making coordinator of the category, Carine De Pauw [crookscarine], for her relentless quest to build the greatest Tea Bag catalog in the world. We would like to thank all the contributors who dedicate their time and effort to making this achievement possible:
From the Netherlands - Els Van Gastel [leeuwin], Veerle Daams [dragons], Jan De Graaf [Saturn] ,Cees Verbaan [Cornelis], Irene Ramp [teagirl], Christel Aerts [CIEV2004], Hillie Janssen-Kiers [hillie1956], Eefje Van Kaathoven [Eefje]
From Denmark - Flemming Axelsen [axpro], Inge Nielsen [vinkel]
From Finland: Ljuba Brown [Zamppa]
From Germany: GSGEule
From Latvia: Ivan Dimitrov [ventspils]
From Spain: Manuel Faja I Riera [ttags]
From Indonesia: Dhanya Rahardjo [dhanya]
From Czech Republic: Irena Benešová [inabea], Klara
From Hungary: Istvánné Mogyorósi [Magdus]
From Italy: Mauro Bossi [MAURORUN]
From Argentina: Diego Michelangeli [DiegoMiche]
Thank you all for creating such a great catalog.

"Çilek Çayi, White Stripe Under Flap" Turkey tea bag, new on the Colnect catalog
Would like to join and contribute to the Tea Bags catalog too? Learn more on the Tea Bags Catalog Contribution Guidelines page.

"Stimulating Tea Wellness Tea" Sri Lanka tea bag, new on the Colnect catalog

Thursday, May 14, 2015

100,000 Collectors 110,000,000 Inventory Items Now on Colnect

We have reached a perfect score! The Colnect members community has expanded to a perfect 100,000 Collectors.

We have been counting up to this milestone in a rising pace, starting way back in August 2009, just a few thousands, then going up - 11,111, then it took us a year to reach the next step 20,020, climbing to 33,333, 40,004, 50,505, passed the wicked 66,666 to 70,707 and now we are doing a great leap, skipping a few steps ahead into the nice and round 100,000.

"20 Dollars (Black-eyed Susan)" 2010 Canadian coin, new on the Colnect catalog
These 100,000 collectors all manage their collections on Colnect, which has brought the total amount of items in the Colnect inventories lists to a whopping 110,000,000 items! Each item on this list is a collectible piece someone has, wants to swap or is interested in. That is a satisfyingly great collecting power.

"Football Party" 1953 USA commuter card, new on the Colnect catalog
A significant part of the community are the contributors, Currently there are over 800 active contributors on Colnect, each helping in their own way into building and perfecting the Colnect catalogs. Would like to join in and contribute to Colnect? Learn more on the Colnect Contributor Guide.
"Algarve. Rocha beach" 1988 Portuguese postcard, new on the Colnect catalog
The contributors are doing great work and the catalogs have been flourishing, each catalog reaching new and impressive milestone of size and quality. The Stamps catalog has surpassed 500.500 Stamps just in the last month. All numismatic catalogs have been perfecting their art. All catalogs have expanded and are looking beautiful.

"Order of the Württemberg Crown Commander with Star" 1818 German medal, new on the Colnect catalog
We're proud of this community and glad to see how far Colnect has come since it's inception. Colnect only develops as it's community does. Every new collector affects the catalog and community and makes it better.

"Rodenbach" Belgium beer coaster, new on the Colnect catalog
We're excited to see this vivid and bustling activity on Colnect and appreciate all who participate and all those who help make it happen. We wish fun collecting to everyone, see you on the next milestone!
"You're Great!" 2015 USA gift card, new on the Colnect catalog

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Colnect Catalog Passed 500,500 Stamps!

We are very proud to announce that the Stamps catalog has now surpassed 500,500 unique items, making it one of the 2 largest catalogs on Colnect and one of the top largest Stamp catalogs in existence today!
As the stamps category is a veteran branch of collectibles, particular care is given to the quality and accuracy of the catalog by the wonderful Stamps team, headed by the coordinators Guido Fußhöller [footy68] and Klaus Jochimsen [Lola22] and supported by so many great editors and contributors.

"Bogdan I Vodă" Stamp from the "650 Years Since the Foundation of the State of Moldavia" 2009 Moldova series, new on the Colnect Stamps catalog
Images are an essential and important part of the catalog. Stamp images have been greatly improved on the catalog due to a great effort lead by the stamp coordinators. Tens of thousands of stamp images have been added to stamps with missing images, thousands more stamps with low quality images have been replaced with high resolution images, making the catalog that much more beautiful, detailed and convenient.

"Tingia carbonica" Stamp from the 2004 North Korean Fossils series, new on the Colnect catalog
New standards for quality of stamp images have been enforced which have also significantly raised the level of the images on the catalog, both in resolution of images and in the presentation style of the stamps. You are welcome to browse through the results and see all the great new images up close using the zoom in feature.
"Kim reading at desk" Stamp from the 2004 North Korean series "40th Ann. of Workers' Party of Korea by Kim Jong Il", new on the Colnect catalog
This milestone is coming a long way from the previous milestone of 300303 Stamps. A lot of effort and thought have been put into the catalog, you can follow up on the progress on the Stamps Forum.

"Duck, Dog & Cat" Stamp from the 1996 Australian pets series. new on the Colnect catalog
Would like to contribute to the Stamps catalog as well? See how you can help on our Contributor Guide. You are welcome to join our world community operation to create the most complete and accurate Stamps catalog available anywhere today.

"Western Capercaillie (Tetrao Urogallus)" stamp from the 2007 Moldova series "Extinct Birds of Moldova", new on the Colnect catalog
We'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you for the absolutely amazing efforts of all the Stamps Coordinators, Editors and Contributors. Thank you for all the time, care and dedication that have been put into creating and evolving this incredible catalog.

"Lifeguard" Stamps from the 1961 North Korean "The 15th Anniversary of Children's Union" series, new on the Colnect catalog

Friday, February 6, 2015

Numismatics Delight

Making numismatists around the world happy, we are proud to announce some important milestones on our catalogs. The Colnect catalogs are breaking records and shooting out 5 pointed stars!

Our Coin catalog now lists 50,005+ coins. The coins catalog has also further developed on the presentation side, showing more detailed information in better ways. Rim, Orientation and Shape have been added to the catalog as well as support for Ancient Coins.

250 Afghanis (Snow Leopard), new on the Colnect Coins catalog
Our Banknote catalog now lists 55,555+ banknotes. The banknotes was reinforced with the help of a new co coordinator, and so promises to reach more milestones even quicker and with better quality of information.

1889 3 Russian Rubles, new on the Colnect catalog  
Our Decorations catalog now lists 15,051+ medals and decorations. This category has also gone through a fairly recent improvement of changing the definition from only "Medals" to "Medals and Decorations".

24-th Conference (Ag) of the Hungarian Coin Collectors Association commemorative medal, new on the medals and decorations Colnect catalog 
Our Tokens catalog is getting closer to listing 5,000 tokens.

Bitcoin MJB 2013, new on the Colnect catalog
But it's not only about the size of the catalogs, but the quality of information in them. We've been adding more data fields and many editors have helped updating data in an organized fashion. You can follow up on all discussions and progress on the Colnect forums.

Colnect supports very powerful navigation to help you find what you're looking for and have an overview of related items. Start browsing now and see all filters, search and organization options.

As hundreds of volunteers continue to help make Colnect what it is, you are welcome to join the effort to make Colnect better for collectors worldwide. Learn more on how you can help here.

We'd like to thank for the wonderful contribution and dedication of all our numismatics contributors, editors and coordinators who make all this beauty possible.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

777 Colnect Contributors - Creating Colnect Magic

A new year, a new milestone reached, a new satisfying number to celebrate. Colnect has passed 777 contributors.

The number 7 has always represented some sense of wonder, of far reaching ventures, of worldwide phenomena, the seven seas, the seventh heaven, the seven wonders of the world, the seven colors of the rainbow. Associated widely in cultures throughout history with special occurrences, miracles and power, we on Colnect certainly hope this number bodes well for this budding year and its potential to unite and innovate.

A year after our previous milestone of 666 contributors on Colnect, more than 111 new contributors have joined to empower, improve and enhance Colnect.

Each of these sevens, seven hundred, seventy and seven, is comprised of individual collectors on Colnect that decided to give some of themselves, some of their time and drive, to the Colnect catalogs. The catalogs you see today on Colnect are purely the result of the combined contribution and dedication of these collectors.

On the website design front, Colnect is doing its best to provide new tools and improved features for contributors, editors and coordinators on Colnect. Those help make activity on Colnect easier, smoother and more effective.

Of the new features provided, there were many to enable and aid Colnect editors. A New Comments Counter allows for quicker and easier dealing with the collector comments. The Item Edit History has become available to all editors, the Editing Menu has been optimized and there were many other changes and fixes introduced.

The look of Colnect has been going through some improvements recently as well. As part of that the badges on the collector profile page, those that indicate the role of the collector as a contributor and the amount of the stars awarded to that collector, has been renewed and polished.

As always, we'd like to thank all the wonderful contributors, editors, translators and coordinators on Colnect. This ever-growing group of collectors joined by a common goal and passion has achieved much in the past year. It brought the Colnect catalogs another long stretch forward in making collectible information available to all collectors worldwide in the best way.

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