Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Continent Division in Country Lists !NEW!

As part of the latest efforts to make the browsing of the Colnect catalog even more swift and intuitive, now all Country lists have been divided into Continents on quick on-page tabs, so you can rush past all irrelevant information on the way to your wanted collectible items.

As in all the other lists on Colnect, you can also use the Quick-Filter box. Just start typing into the yellow search box and see how the list quickly adjusts and shortens to include only options you may be interested in.

This continent division is, of course, optional and you can still view all countries in the regular list format if you prefer it.

Combined together these options make for not only fast searches, but also for convenient view of the Country List pages, with no scrolling down needed, just a click or a type.

Try it out now and let us know what you think! Come on, search for something... :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Face Values Lists - Easily find your item by its Face Value !NEW!

Following a lot of discussions and work, the Face Values Lists are now publicly available. Look at your item, now at the face values list, now back at your item, now back at the screen - you've found your item :)

Colnect has been working to make browsing the catalog as comfortable to use as possible. Now you can find the item you are looking for at a glance. If you have a stamp and can read its value and perhaps another detail, you're more likely to quickly locate it on Colnect. Also, if you want to know how many coins with a face value of 5 you have, simply add the "Face Values" filter.

Together with the option of the Quick-Filter, hitting your desired item is made even easier. Use the quick-filter search box to quickly shrink your list to include only the values you may be interested in. This option is available on all Colnect list pages.

Coin Face Values list

The Face Values lists can be seen by clicking "Face Values" under any of these categories -
Stamps face values
Phonecards face values
Transportation tickets face values
Gift cards face values
Banknotes face values
Coins face values
Functional cards face values
Tokens face values
Lottery tickets face values

So browse away, and enjoy the hunt for your favorite items. Once you've done that - let us know what you think of the new feature! Like it as it is? Want to see any changes made to it? Simply adore it? Fire away.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Lottery Tickets - A New Category Joins Colnect

We are happy to announce the newly built Lottery Tickets category on Colnect is now available.
"Corresponsal de guerra S.XIX" - 1980 Spanish Lottery Ticket, from the new Colnect catalog
This category was made through the initiative of collectors on Colnect, headed by the new category coordinator, Juan Armero [elcapict]. You can see the whole build and discussions surrounding the creation of the category on the Lottery Tickets forum thread on the New Category Forum.

"Winning Streak" - New Zealand Lottery Ticket, from the new Colnect catalog.
Lottery Tickets have an interesting role as a collectible, being part of an exciting game, then turned a collectible item. There are Scratch tickets and Tenth tickets, from all kinds of draw types. The budding category is starting with 522 Lottery Tickets from New-Zealand and Spain. With your help it could grow fast to include tickets from all countries and organisations. To know more about how to contribute to the Colnect Catalogs, please see our Catalog Contribution Guidelines page.

"Perfect Match" - New Zealand Lottery Ticket, from the new Colnect catalog.
Missing your favorite kind of collectible on Colnect? Would like to build a catalog of your collectible in the way you think it should be? You are welcome to try us and suggest a new catalog, and head your own category on Colnect. Go to the New Category forum and see what's going on. You can read more bout what it takes to create a category on Colnect on our More Collectibles? page.

"PeriĆ³dico siglo XIX (caricatura)" - 1980 Spanish Lottery Ticket, from the new Colnect catalog.
We would like to thank all who helped this category come to life, who participated in the discussion and gave their opinion. It has been a joyful effort, and that shows in the catalog itself. We wish the best of luck to the new category and it's coordinator in his new role :)

"Solitaire" - New Zealand Lottery Ticket,  from the new Colnect catalog.

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