Colnect, Connecting Collectors. Colnect offers revolutionizing services to Collectors the world over. Colnect is available in 63 languages and offers extensive collectible catalogs and the easiest personal collection management and Auto-Matching for deals. Join us today :)
In the beginning of this year we have marked reaching 66,666 Postcards on the Colnect catalog. It's now summer, the year not even entering its final season, and the Postcards catalog has already reached its new impressive milestone of
We would like to thank the wonderful coordinators of the Postcards category, Vadym Sulimenko [Dravec] and Grzegorz Pająk [quarteris]. Their dedicated work developing the catalog is keeping it beautiful, updated and more and more complete every year.
In an appropriate tribute to the year 2016, we're happy to celebrate Colnect Coins catalog passing the 66,666 Coins mark.
This year we have seen a lot of positive progress for Numismatic collectibles on Colnect. Maybe most importantly, we've seen the addition of the Year Variants in the coins catalog.
With over a thousand new coins added every month, the coins catalog is growing in impressive speed. The speed does not come at the expense of the quality of the catalog, that maintains it's high standards for information and images.
The success of the catalog is due to the impeccable work of the coordinators, Angelo Parla [angelo13] and Hernán Bofill [hbofill12], and the dedicated editors and contributors of the category.
UPDATE: following email correspondence with the hosting provider for the IP they have taken down the server there till further notice. At least now users won't be redirected to phishing and malware websites.
Today we were alarmed to find out that our server domains are not resolved properly to their correct IP address but to an IP address we're not familiar with
The reason for this issue was that FreeDNS servers have responded with the wrong IP instead of our real IP. To some people, this wrong IP cause a redirect to a malware website! Please comment here if you suffer from a similar issue.
While it seems that, at least in our case FreeDNS now responds properly, the malicious DNS entry has gotten a TTL (Time To Live) of 1 week which means that if the various domain name servers who received the wrong IP are actually obeying this TTL your website may be inaccessible for an entire week!
To check if your domain is resolved properly, you can use a service such as digwebinterface or whatsmydns to check quickly how different DNS worldwide resolve your domain. You can also use dig or nslookup to see quickly what a specific DNS replies.
In a chat with NameCheap they denied being hacked as their support supervisor wrote "I can assure you that our servers have not been hacked.". Well, if not hacked, have they done this on purpose? Getting many of their domains to point to a malware site? Do you smell a lawsuit coming?
Here's a bit of info about the IP used for this hack:
IP Address
Ness Ziona
Country Code
Net-Style Atarim Ltd
As for our own website I've posted this message on our forum:!f=6&t=68917&p=192078#p192078
Dear members, UPDATE: we have posted on our blog about this issue as well. UPDATE2:
if you're on windows try to also launch ipconfig /flushdns from command
prompt to ensure your computer is trying to fetch the correct DNS. UPDATE3: we've updated more entries to the hosts file to ensure all our servers respond properly.
PLEASE SAVE THIS MESSAGE IF YOU SEE IT. If other Colnectors are having trouble please assist them.
is a service that translates a domain name ( such as ) to
an IP address ( such as which is our main IP ).
One of
our DNS providers had problems on their servers. I suspect they've been
hacked but are unaware of it. Thereby you may not see Colnect properly
and instead get redirected somewhere else.
If this happens you can here are your options:
1/ Close your browser, wait a bit and try again. If it doesn't work then go ahead and flush your DNS cache. However, if your DNS provider didn't get updated yet you may need to follow the next steps.
2/ Update your hosts file manually by adding these two lines:
you choose this option you may want to comment out these lines later as
we plan to change IP for in the coming days as we upgrade
our server.
3/ Set your DNS servers to Google's own and - here's a guide
are very sorry for this trouble. While their DNS now seems to work
well, the bad records showing a different IP address might still be
cached on other DNS providers.