Friday, July 6, 2012

One Year of Colnect Around the World

Do you know where Colnect offices are? Well, they’re not there. Not anymore. Colnect offices are on the move all over the world and chances are that by the time you read this page, they will be somewhere else than where they were when we wrote it.
Frognector was very impressed by the distinguished Indian gentleman's mustache
Today, 7/7, it will be One Year of Colnect on the road. The roads were various and many, led by the fierce and fearless Frognector. He went from the remote hitchhiking paths of Iceland and down the European continent all the way to Ukraine. He then turned east, floating in the dead sea in Israel, visiting desert caves in Jordan, being tossed around on buses and trains through India, enjoying shakes and massages in Thailand and now celebrating the long and yet-to-become-longer way in Laos. We even have pictures to prove it - the Famous Frog on top of Thai temples as well as Polish buildings and battling Indian snakes.
Look behind you, Frognector! The golden Buddha on the mountain is staring at you
So why create the Traveling Office? Well, for one thing, how else will Frognector get to meet the amazing collectors on Colnect? Yes, they can come to a Colnect Convention. But that is in the future. For now, Frognector just has to be every place. That way he got to connect a smiling face to those on Colnect whom he knows so well from working on Colnect. He got to see their collections for himself and see how their Colnecting home station looks like. In Berlin, in Prague, in Bangkok, all presented impressive collections and some good inside advice that can only be given by a collectors’ first person long term experience.
The Red Rock of Petra, Jordan, amaze even Frognector into a moment of silence
In every nook and corner the world hides amazing collectibles. Some already on Colnect, some soon-to-be-added on Colnect. As with Frognector’s travel plan, so it is with Collectible Categories and Collectible Items on Colnect - The Sky is the Limit. During the journey Colnect was constantly buzzing and busy with adding new Categories. Just like Tokens joined in Colnect, Sugar Packets, Trading Card Games and Lego Sets will soon be announced, many others are in the works and soon will be on Colnect as well. On July 2011 we have decided that Colnect should be everywhere, and so should we be. That kept Colnect growing more than ever and light on its feet ever since. Hopefully this is the start of a new exciting second year, with more developments on the site, more countries visited and more collectors met.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tokens on Colnect - Token Catalog

We're very happy to announce the addition of a new category to Colnect: Tokens
Tokens on Colnect

We're starting modestly with only 100 tokens but surely with your help it'll grow very quickly. The coordinators for the category are moneyer12 and neweden. If you've never contributed information to Colnect before, please read our Catalog Contribution Guidelines.

The category has started at the request of collectors and the entire discussion can be seen here on the suggestion forum. You may suggest and become a coordinator of more categories on Colnect - just read our More Collectibles? page.

Our blog has been quiet for a while as most of our announcements are published directly on our announcements forum where you can get regular updates. If you wish to write to our blog don't hesitate to make your suggestions.

Happy collecting :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

33,333 Collectors Connect on Colnect

Be that the Trinity, threesomes or the first child of a new family, 3 is a fine fine fine number :)

Colnect can now thank over 33,333 collectors for their contributions to the exciting site about all things collecting! As nearly 300,003 people visit Colnect every month, we hope and expect more of them to join us and make Colnect the best community for collectors around the world.

Though the world is filled with conscientious historians and just plain old fun loving collectors, there have been few outlets to bring together these people with similar interests. It is true that many purchase and sell their rare artifacts on various sites, but the digital auction house lacks the innovation that Colnect works hard to perfect: the connection.

Colnect has hundreds of thousands of stamps and other beautiful collectibles on a database that automatically translates languages from across the earth and allows people to exchange information about and trade their collections. There are often links to the items that can be found on eBay as well.

33,333 is a landmark number (as Colnect had 30,003 members about 3 months ago), because you, the fans of collecting, have gathered here at Colnect to meet and expand the vast online catalog of collectible treasures in order to help each other to further enjoy the thrill of collecting. As you continue to upload the prestigious post cards, tea bags, beer coasters, coins, and more onto Colnect, a world-wide treasure map is being composed for all of its inhabitants to see and enjoy. It is also the people who help to make the catalogs better that deserve to take a bow. Thank you!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

30,003 Coins Marks New Colnect MILESTONE!

As one of the premier coin collecting enterprises online, Colnect celebrates its coin catalog database reaching the 30,003 coin plateau today.

It is you, the Colnect collectors, that continue to bolster the vast archives with exceptionally extraordinary collectibles and artifacts that should be proud of this great achievement. Colnectors can now find and view over thirty thousand different coins within the Coin Category for trade, studying, or just plain enjoying.

We must also give credit where it's due and recognize angelo13 and rubycored for their excellent work as coordinators since our last achievement of 22,222 coins. See how to help contribute to the cause here.

Look and marvel at the beauteous piece, the bronze color and the gorgeous imagery on the Vienna issued Austrian five Euro coin.

Nowhere is such a vast array of unique, rare, and exceptionally lovable collections. Colnect embraces its users who offer up their precious valuables for viewing.

Remember that it is through your work, your diligent collecting, and your vigorous online connecting that the world gets to share and embrace all of the wonderful collectibles here on Colnect.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Great Britain Collection of Car History Stamps from Jaguar On to the Model T - Colnect Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors collect are in fact associated with certain collections that have corroborated over time. To commemorate these specially themed collections, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information that are relevant to them.

Through our “Colnect Collectibles” series we will highlight special collections by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with organized collectibles of related issue.

The 1982 Cars stamp collection in Great Britain featured an astounding array of world renowned British motor car royalty.

The special Cars stamps collection is a popular one on Colnect, and the catalog shows how these were issued with both an antique automobile and a more modern vehicle on each individual stamp.

The first stamp featured has a vintage 1920's SS1 and an emerald green Jaguar XJ6 amidst a lighter green backdrop. Jaguar has been one of England's premier car companies, though Ford has purchased them in recent years. The stamp was a twenty-six penny issue.

Rolls Royce makes a showing with an early twentieth century open air Silver Ghost in white, and the squared off 1980's Silver Spirit in maroon; the contrast between the cars is amazing in this twenty-nine penny stamp, and the its violet background creates a historic allure to the beautiful Car collection of English stamps.

The inventor of all things mechanized automobile and assembly line was Henry Ford, and so the Cars collection proudly showcases the original Model T, and a ruby red 1982 Ford Escort to round out the past and the present of the innovator's company. Unlike the other stamps in the set, this one has a grey background, which brings out the two cars beautifully and it was a nineteen and a half penny issue.

Colnect brings a culmination of various themed stamps and other artifacts together with its many thousands of collectors and their rare collectibles, and more are added incessantly.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

World Currencies List Project

With the undertaking of the World Currencies List Project, Colnect, which currently has the most comprehensive list of currencies in the world, hopes to attain all known currencies and denominations of legal tender.

There are over twelve-hundred currencies featured in the Banknote section on Colnect at this time. More can be done with it, however, and we need your help.

The avid colnecting contributors, BrunosapiJens and Rubycored, have made it their mission to carefully construct a complete list of currencies in a visually clear aesthetic, with their respective country names, like they are featured on Wikipedia's less extensive currencies list.

Before the Updated Currencies List, users could upload their own currency on Colnect and edit entries on the list themselves, because it was unlocked. But this led to discrepancies in entries of the same denomination that were written in as "pounds" instead of "pound," for instance. Now this is not the case, and professionals are on the site to modify the currencies list.

For those of you who are proactive and wish to help out with the Colnect currencies list, please keep an eye out for duplicate entries. If you spot any, there is a duplicates report that can be filled out and sent to iflvico.

You can also view the Instructions on Adding/Editing Currencies here. As always, enjoy the tremendous array of Banknotes and collectibles featured on the Colnect collection connection site.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Best Matches - Colnect's New Kick-Ass Feature!

We're so very happy to announce a unique and unrivaled feature on Colnect called "Best Matches".

Find swap partners in seconds using Best Matches, a POWERFUL feature offered exclusively on Colnect! Colnect sophisticatedly suggests who you are most likely to have a good exchange with. The suggestions are based on your own Personal Collection and those of all active members of Colnect. The algorithm automatically tries to find collectors who have many items that you want and, at the same time, want items you can offer.

This feature has long been requested and awaited by many collectors and its implementation will definitely revolutionize the way collectors exchange. With Colnect's unique auto-match feature, collectors could already easily see what they can exchange with another member but they still had to check other members profiles to see who it is they are likely to find a good match with. Now even this tedious part shall be done automatically.

Using "Best Matches" is extremely simple and only takes a single click.

Happy matching :)

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