There are over twelve-hundred currencies featured in the Banknote section on Colnect at this time. More can be done with it, however, and we need your help.
The avid colnecting contributors, BrunosapiJens and Rubycored, have made it their mission to carefully construct a complete list of currencies in a visually clear aesthetic, with their respective country names, like they are featured on Wikipedia's less extensive currencies list.

Before the Updated Currencies List, users could upload their own currency on Colnect and edit entries on the list themselves, because it was unlocked. But this led to discrepancies in entries of the same denomination that were written in as "pounds" instead of "pound," for instance. Now this is not the case, and professionals are on the site to modify the currencies list.

For those of you who are proactive and wish to help out with the Colnect currencies list, please keep an eye out for duplicate entries. If you spot any, there is a duplicates report that can be filled out and sent to iflvico.
You can also view the Instructions on Adding/Editing Currencies here. As always, enjoy the tremendous array of Banknotes and collectibles featured on the Colnect collection connection site.