Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Collectors Flock to Colnect - 80,008+ People Visited Colnect in August

We're proud to announce that over 80,008 site visitors have gone through Colnect for the whole month of August. This is about 30% increase of the total number of visitors from last month. This proves that the popularity of Colnect is on a progression. We are hoping and anticipating for more visitors to flock in Colnect. We're irreversibly moving on a positive trail and getting better each month.

This increase could be attributed to Colnect's faster service and more collectibles available in the catalogs. The integration of Colnect with Facebook aided a lot as well for this mark. A number of people connected by social media found their way to Colnect through this conjugation. The huge stride of growth of visitors is a reward and a motivation to all of us.

Our endless gratitude goes to each of you who refers Colnect and spreads the word to your many peers in the collection industry. Through your outstanding support, there's nowhere to course but forward.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Internationalization Snapshot - Collectors from All Around the World Using Colnect in 50 Languages

Colnect is a huge site dedicated to all collectors around the world. With this trend involving many people of different nationalities and origin, Colnect has made an array of national languages spoken and used all throughout the globe readily available to all its collectors. The availability of such feature has given way for non-English speaking collectors to switch to foreign versions of Colnect. This created a tie that binds all people in Colnect who do not have a common language of communication.

The internationalization of the website contributed greatly to the access of a common interface enabling collectors to do transactions smoothly. Through this feature, swapping can be done without the hassle of communication barriers such as language differences. We commend the commitment and dedication of our translations manager Jens Bruno Wittek who has done an exceptional job to this internationalization.

Through a unified goal and purpose, Colnect continuously receives a hand from its people from different countries. Our immense gratitude goes to these volunteers who are contributing non-stop to make Colnect a better place for collectors.

Monday, August 30, 2010

YouTube Machine Transcription or 'What was that?!'

Colnect has recently published new videos on YouTube. These are simple videos explaining about our website for collectors (stamps, coins, banknotes and more) from all around the world. As Colnect is available in 50 languages, it's important to upload subtitles for the different languages. Although we already created the English subtitles, curiosity made us look at what YouTube's automated "Machine Transcription" have produced for our videos. The "Machine Transcription" tries to do an old, yet daunting task of speech-to-text.

How surprising and hilarious were the results revealed. Many words allegedly transcribed had little phonetic resemblance to the audio. Obviously, the "Machine Transcription" is sometimes much worse that actually having no subtitles at all. Here follows an example.

First the video:

And now a screen shot of some of the funniest so-called "Machine Transcription":

Enjoy highlights such as "Number of Clinton's each" which seems to refer to "See the number of items each (collector has for every category they are active in)". Can you guess the original for "what the offer free trade" used to be? This one is easier, it was "What they offer for trade". The last example would be "it's what the up for and what they want". We're still unsure but it might relate to "(View a member's profile with a click) and see what they offer and what they want". Quite similar, isn't it? :)

So, to conclude, be extremely wary when using the machine transcription for anything other than some good laughs. Oh, you're welcomed to joke about the accent in the video ;)

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