Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Collectors Visiting Colnect Over 111,111 Times this January

Colnect set new traffic records in January, as over 111,111 visits were made to the site throughout the month, more than a 16.16% increase from December! This milestone reflects Colnect's continued surge in popularity and its strong commitment to expanding the resources available to collectors. January also saw a sharp rise in collector registrations, with a record number of new collectors joining the Colnect community. This recent growth means that 115 countries are now represented by active Colnect members. In addition, the number of Unique Visitors to Colnect jumped more than 17.17% compared with December to over 51,234, while total PageViews increased by over 24.24% to more than 2,727,272. Since Colnect is a unique site, we prefer to use non-round numbers in our reports.

Although this latest news is extremely promising, the development of a truly global community is an ongoing process that requires unyielding effort from both administrators and volunteers. If you have any suggestions or ways to improve the site or would like to help add new items to our catalogs, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are also currently looking for translators to help display Colnect pages in many languages, with the following being of particularly high priority: Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese (especially Traditional script), Hindi, and Punjab.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Colnect Presentation on TechAviv Peer Awards

Colnect is proud to publish its narrow 2nd place finish at last month's Tech Aviv Competition onto Youtube and other video-sharing sites. The video shows Colnect's entire presentation to the hundreds of Tech Aviv members in attendance and clearly illustrates the rapturous reception we received from the audience. It begins with an updated and more comprehensive version of the entertaining video displayed at Colnect's victory in the European Startup 2.0 Competition and concludes with a brief discussion about the company by founder Amir Wald.

Since this competition and the video's creation, Colnect has added even more languages and continued the expansion of its catalogs to enhance the collection experience for our global community. We rely on dedicated volunteers to contribute their knowledge of a particular language or collectible category in a similar fashion to Wikipedia. If you would like to get involved in improving Colnect or have suggestions for new collectibles that should be added, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

29 Million Colnect Pages Indexed on Google?

Colnect's rapid growth is being reflected in its presence on the world's most popular search engine, as we now have an astounding 29 million pages indexed on Google! This number is made even more impressive by the fact that only 2 months ago, Colnect's total page indicies were at only about 10% of its current tally.

However, these numbers are quite dubious, as performing a search with Google's Canadian version yields only 1.1 million search results, while others produce page indices in the range of 3-5 million. This begs the question of how exactly Google calculates the quantity of indexed pages for a particular site and if this number has any reliability or basis in reality. Although Colnect has added many new lanugages and categories over the past couple of months that would explain a certain increase in pages, a 10-fold increase over this timeframe seems entirely unrealistic. Only time will tell whether this enormous figure can sustain itself or fall back to a total more in line with past values.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Colnect's Alexa Page Rank Climbs to 83,000

Colnect continues its ascent in the Alexa rankings, as we are now ranked ~83,000 in the site's measurement of total worldwide traffic. This progress is an unsurprising result of Colnect's newest collectible category additions, worldwide community of collectors, and regular catalog improvements.

Although moving up these rankings becomes a more difficult task once inside the top 100,000, Colnect's future growth prospects remain bright and should keep rising in both total traffic and overall page rank as more collectors worldwide become aware of the immense benefits offered by Colnect. In addition, our plans for adding or improving many new languages and significantly expanding numerous catalogs will increase Colnect's global appeal and ultimately our Alexa rank. Feel free to contact us if you would like to get involved in any of these projects and help make Colnect even more useful for our international collectors community.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Colnect Announces Exciting New Partnership with FreshersWorld

Colnect is thrilled to announce that we have formed a partnership with India's most popular students web-site, in which the three talented students who will win the competition will have the opportunity of traveling here and interning with us!

The site has launched a new program called "Campus Ambassadors" in which students from Indian universities who demonstrate exemplary leadership skills will become intermediaries between their schools and The selected campus ambassadors will then be evaluated based on both their performance in that role and their previous qualifications, with the winners being eligible for many great prizes. Of these, the 3 Grand Prize recipients will have the opportunity to intern with Colnect in a country renowned for its innovation and technological prowess.

While interning at Colnect, these Campus Ambassadors will undertake a variety of important projects, such as managing Colnect's rapidly expanding global community, improving the web-site's design and functionality to make it more user-friendly, and searching for creative new ways to grow the business. As an on-line start-up, Colnect offers flexibility unmatched by virtually any large companies along with a diverse range of tasks that will provide prospective interns with critical experience in an area of their choice.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Colnect's Google Page Ranks Advances to 5

In an undoubtedly positive reflection of Colnect's impressive growth and development over recent months, Colnect's page rank on Google has improved to an all-time high of 5 (PR5), besting the previous mark of 4 (PR4). With our total collectors exceeding 8,000, 10 collectible categories being made available, and constant catalog improvements, it's no wonder that more sites link to Colnect and that Colnect's status is advancing on Google.

This upgraded page rank will likely mean higher Google search results for Colnect, which should translate into greater traffic, more new registrants, and ultimately an even better collection experience for current Colnect collectors. Given Colnect's current progress, it's quite reasonable to expect future upgrades in its Page Rank as the site becomes more recognizable and well-established on the web. However, this might require extra patience, since moving to a higher Page Rank becomes progressively trickier as the levels increase.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Colnect's Hotel Key Cards Catalog Now Exceeds 2,000 Items

Colnect's catalog of Hotel Key Cards, one of our newest categories, has been growing at a tremendous pace since its launch and has now eclipsed the 2,000 item milestone! Although expectations were high following our most recent category additions, even the most optimistic collectors would probably not have expected such impressive progress over so short a time. This great news means hotel key card collectors will have much greater selection in choosing items for their wish list and in finding suitable swap partners, as larger catalogs make collection management and setting up exchanges even easier on Colnect. "I am pleasantly surprised by the rapid development of our new categories," Colnect founder Amir Wald remarked. "Our long-term goal is to be able to break into every hotel room," Wald quipped. Right now, 75 countries are represented in our hotel key cards catalog, with the largest being Spain, followed closely by the US while Mexico trails further behind.

Colnect's catalogs operate under wiki-like principles, meaning trusted collectors can add their own personal collections onto the site and make any necessary changes or updates. We would like to thank our hotel key cards co-ordinator, Ignacio F Lopez Vico [iflvico], for making these significant improvements possible. In addition, we would like to recognize the following nine contributors, whose collaborative efforts have brought the hotel key cards catalog to its current state: FELIX, Juan, cuevas, motikr, bruun01, minos, fquimbo, Trudyh, and Dijor.

Feel free to contact us if you want to help add items from your personal collection into one of our catalogs or have any new category suggestions.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Colnect Wins 2nd Place in Nail-biting TechAviv Peer Awards Competition

The strength of Colnect was on full display Wednesday night as we captured 2nd place in the TechAviv's inaugural Peer Awards competition, losing by a single vote to worthy champion 5Min. This honour comes at the end of a year in which Colnect claimed victory in the prestigious European Startup 2.0 Competition. Although Colnect came up just short this time around, our video presentation enthralled the approximately 150 people in attendance, with Frognector reappearing to explain the great benefits offered by the collectors' community and its enormous potential:

The Colnect team, led by founded Amir Wald, was gracious in defeat. "Although obviously we would have enjoyed the win, I am ecstatic about our 2nd place finish and how close we came to the top. There is much to celebrate in coming 2nd to an incredible company such as 5Min and ahead of three other extremely worthy competitors in the finals," Wald declared shortly after the voting concluded. Colnect is pleased to congratulate 5Min on its narrow victory and wishes the best of luck in the new year to all our fellow start-ups who provided such intrigue to the Tech-Aviv competition.

Colnect is hoping to build on this great momentum heading into the new year. A newly designed easier user-interface is now under construction. One of the major objectives to add even more collectible categories and expand our existing catalogs for items such as stamps, where many improvements are still desired. In addition, Colnect is looking to further increase the number of languages offered (in full) to broaden our international appeal, with Japanese and Bahasa Indonesian being two examples of translations that are regularly being made more comprehensive.

As always, Colnect would like to thank our extensive army of volunteers who deserve full credit for making these language and catalog enhancements a reality.

Colnect is of The 5 finalists on TechAviv Peer Awards

After three weeks of public and members-only voting, over 100 startups nominated and 6,000 votes cast, Colnect was chosen as one of the 5 finalists to present on the TechAviv Peer Awards.

Colnect has a great presentation waiting, dubbed "The Story of Frognector".

Rather than have a panel of so-called experts pick the winner, TechAviv’s founders and investors will select the winner via live SMS vote after the startups get 10 minutes each on stage to impress their peers.

Wish us luck :)

UPDATE: Colnect took the 2nd place by storm. A new blog post will soon be available but meanwhile you're welcomed to enjoy the video here:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

FaceBook vs. YOUR Privacy - AKA Note: Your Friend List is always visible to you and your friends

The Facebook team, after apparently deciding that there wasn't enough excitement to its old privacy settings, made additional changes this week in an effort to appease users who have complained about the amount of their profile information that's available to the public. Ironically (or perhaps deliberately), these modifications mean that users now have even less control over the visibility of certain content to others. For instance, before the changes were made, Facebookers could designate certain "groups" of their contacts who could not see all or part their friends list. However, Facebook now displays a new notification when one tries to modify the settings on their friends list that "Your Friend List is always visible to you and your friends" (see screenshot image). Since these changes were completely unannounced, profile information that some users specifically designated as private and presumably still believe as such are now potentially visible to the public. In the eyes of many, this constitutes a serious breach of privacy. One can't help but wonder if Facebook will soon make other confidential information universally accessible, such as which profiles a user clicks on or messages sent to their Inbox.

This stir has caused some devoted users to seriously question their loyalty to the social networking site. Many have a wide variety of friends on their Facebook list and like to keep their personal and business contacts separate in some ways, such as being able to meet and stay in touch with business connections while simulataneously keeping their list of personal friends hidden from them. With these changes, that is no longer possible.

In addition, the new changes have made it much more difficult to control which types of a user's Facebook activity are automatically published as "News-Feeds" on their wall. As an example, it used to be possible for Facebook addicts to hide the notifications for adding friends and posting on other peoples' walls from being displayed in their profile, whereas now this appears to be impossible. This lapse in confidentiality was discovered by the exasperated Colnect founder Amir Wald when he checked his wall this morning. "Introducing changes that breach our privacy so blatantly and without a warning is nothing less than outrageous" said Mr. Wald, "We would never dream of doing such a thing to our devoted collectors community".

In order to maintain this element of privacy, Facebookers are now required to manually delete each of these notifications one-by-one from their walls, as opposed to the "Erase All" function that was available in past incarnations. The fact remains that users should not have to go out of their way to preserve the confidentiality of information that they previously took for granted, especially when many are not even aware about the automatic changes made to their settings.

These latest developments mark the latest concern with the site for internet privacy advocates. If Facebook keeps making Privacy changes, it needs to ensure that any strict privacy restrictions already established by existing users are not compromised in the process. Otherwise, many dedicated supporters may opt to pull the plug and end up displaying none of their personal information to anyone.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Save Us From Index Spamming / How to Make Google Carry Your Slogan

As the number of internet users and available web pages worldwide continue to grow exponentially, the importance of maintaining a high index on search engines is magnified with it. Consequently, many spammers or special-interest groups wishing to spread a particular message have developed more sophisticated techniques for "cheating" their way to the top of search results. One of these newer methods involves exploiting sites that display a 200 Code for error messages by adding the spammer's unsolicited content into Google's (or another search engine's) indices for the purpose of generating traffic the next time a user searches for that term. For more details about this technique, see this previous blog post on the subject.

However, a more interesting phenomenon is the recent adoption of this method by political organizations and other non-commercial action groups. For example, typing the phrase "Save Us From Berlusconi" (see Image 1) into Google generates countless results in this fashion, evidently a result of the efforts made by individuals and organizations opposed to the Italian Prime Minister to get their message across.

This was brought to our attention after the messages appeared in the search engine indices for the site Transposh. Similarly, these indexed pages can also appear even without a specific search being carried out for them (see Image 2), a trend that has been noticed by the Colnect administrator who reported the problem originally.

This relatively recent spamming method has the potential to undermine the legitimacy of search engine results and consequently make some users think twice before clicking on a link that appears at the top of their results list. Google and the other major search engines need to put a halt to this problem before it becomes even more prevalent and completely compromises the integrity of their search functions.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Over 20,000 Coins on Colnect's Free Catalog

Colnect's free, extensive catalogs achieved a new milestone this weekend, as more than 20,000 coins from around the world have now been published. These continual catalog additions and improvements ensure that Colnect collectors have the widest variety of items to choose from in managing their collections and making exchanges with others. Colnect's catalogs operate under wiki-like principles, meaning trusted collectors can add their own personal collections onto the site and make any necessary changes or updates. We would like to thank all of our volunteer contributors who help keep our catalogs growing and provide the entire Colnect community with the best collection experience possible.

Russia currently features the largest coin collection on Colnect with over 1,000 items, followed closely by Poland at just below the 1,000 mark. Every continent is well-represented with at least hundreds of coins on display.

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