Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.
Two hundred and twelve years later the gorgeous Vimanmek Mansion, the largest golden teakwood home in the world, is still one of the premier tourist attractions in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Vimanek Palace's creation in February of 1900 by Thailand's King Rama V is celebrated beautifully in one of Colnect's featured collectibles: the LENSO City of Culture Vimanek Palace Phone Card.

The world renowned mansion was constructed uniquely, without using a single nail with the golden teakwood. King Rama V built the Dusit Garden in between the Krungkasem canal and the Samsen canal and the Vimanek Mansion became its first permanent settlement, as King Rama V moved the royal family there.
This Thai baht phone card captures the essence of the innovative architecture found with the luxurious Vimanek Palace, which was renovated in 1982 to serve as a museum of Bangkok's culture and decadence. The phone card showcases the scarlet roof and the curvilinear golden wood walls amidst a glorious emerald lawn. The card itself is good for three hundred Thai baht worth of international calls.
The vast depths of Colnect's catalogs feature many rare, historic, and artistic artifacts in vogue with the Vimanek Palace phone card that is featured here today. Unique and amazing wonders of man's creation are celebrated for fun and, of course, for collecting.