Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Belgium's January 5th Transportation Telecard - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

Seventeen years after this gorgeous Bastogne Transportation Ticket was issued in Belgium, the date of the rare collectible reflects back, as an exciting piece of history where nearly one hundred years ago the Austria-Hungary army attacked the Balkan state of Montenegro on January 5, 1916.

In 1995, this Belgium parking permit sold for twenty five Euro, but at Colnect the Euro-based item is immortalized as a European symbol of unification that was lacking in the winter of 1916. Less than two years prior to the attack on the Montenegro region, the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian nationalists setting off the powder-keg that would become World War I.

The royal red, blue, and gold mark the Bastogne ticket as a artistic right of passage and parking in the Belgium state.

The German states, like the Belgium region, allied themselves with Austrian forces and formed much of the Central Powers during the Great War that would cause strife across all of Europe, ripping the continent apart.

This rare piece, featuring a crowned crest and shield was good for up to fifty hours of parking in Belgium on January 5, 1995, and it is also one of Colnect's many collectibles that can be viewed through the massive catalog.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

China's 1985 White Elephant New Year Stamp - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

China's celebration of the New Year often invokes an animal - the year of the Rabbit begins on February 14, 2012 - that is attributed to the annual period, but on January 1, 1985 the mythic Kings on White Elephant stamp was issued on the world's New Year.

The stamp's beautiful display of an ardent world myth encompasses Indra, or Pinyan in China, and is just one of the innumerable historic pieces that are featured on Colnect in the rare collectibles database.

Indran is the God of Weather and War, and is widely considered the King of Gods, or at least of demi-gods, in China, Asia and Europe. The gorgeous stamp is rich in color and detail and features worshipers and kings riding the back of the great Indo-European entity. Indra, who is a symbol of power, is depicted as an enormous white elephant complete with tusks and regal dressings that adorn a head and a boat-like object seating the people on its back.

The White Elephant stamp emerged in China on New Years day twenty-seven years ago, and is surely an excellent rarity to collect if you enjoy bringing a little history into the New Year. The Colnect Catalogs have a vast array of historic treasures waiting to be found.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Classic Bottle Caps with Coca-Cola’s “Christmas Coke" Bottles Re-Patented on December 25, 1923 - Today in History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.

Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

This December, on Christmas, marks the 88th anniversary of the Coca-Cola re-patent, through which Coke stamped December 25 on the Classic glass vessels that were later dubbed the “Christmas Coke" bottles by many avid collectors of Coca-Cola memorabilia and their Classic Coke bottle caps.

At Colnect there is a beautiful array of the Coca-Cola Classic bottle caps amongst our vast catalog of rare collectibles.

The story of Coke’s infamous dated bottles bolstered the company’s sales and forever linked them closely with the holiday, as many Coca-Cola Christmas advertisements began, and they have continued on for decades in the US and around the world.

The Classic red and silver cap design, in particular, became Coke’s biggest thematic element, as the flowing script amongst the classic, sleek, and yet always modern red, white,and silver cast the soda company into a collector’s Americana category. And this remarkable look has appeared in the majority of Coke’s marketing, as well as in their holiday advertising because the red and white coke elements work wonderfully with any Christmas aesthetic.

The ribbed hobble skirt design for the glass Coke bottles was agreed upon, as was the metal bottle caps (rubber stoppers had been used in prior years), and the company re-patented this, receiving a December 25, 1923 date for it. The Classic Coca-Cola “Christmas Coke" bottles were then stamped with this date for years to come.

The Classic Coke bottle caps are extremely collectible and showcase a design that has become a legend over its near one hundred years in existence. These bottle caps are an inspiring and featured member of the Colnect bottle cap catalog that is well worth visiting.

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