Sunday, March 13, 2011

oDesk Warning For Employers

Our blog for collectors rarely deals with issues that are not related to collecting and collections, but this is a special case. My apologies to collectors who may find it not interesting.

Big Warning To Employers on oDesk

The short version: after working with oDesk for 6 months and hiring dozens of contractors and getting perfect feedback from them, oDesk suddenly suspended Colnect's account which had 26 active contracts WITHOUT even providing a reason. It took 5 days and many requests to realize that oDesk did it since bonus payment to one of the contractors was passed using PayPal and not oDesk. As I was unaware of this being a "serious violation" of oDesk's rules, I offered that contractor to get her bonus via oDesk or PayPal and she chose PayPal. About 2 months later, when we ended our contract, she decided to complain on oDesk since she didn't like the feedback she got. So basically, they lost less than $5 commission from that bonus not passing through their system and decided to suspend Colnect's account although thousands of $USD were passed on oDesk and got we got only excellent feedback from contractors.

After their support failed to answer my issues properly, I contacted oDesk's CEO Gary Swart with the story. Finally, after 2.5 weeks, oDesk resumed Colnect's account. They never apologized for the damage they've done to Colnect and 26 active contractors without a good reason and they refused to change their policies or consider any compensation to the contractors they hurt or Colnect.

This is the reason this post has been made - to warn employers relying on oDesk.

Why Should You Be VERY Careful Hiring on oDesk?

  • SUSPENSION - oDesk may quickly suspend your account for any violation without consulting you thus rendering ALL your contracts inactive.

  • PRIVACY - Much hiring information is publicly available and CANNOT be hidden. For example: every contractor can see how much you paid other contractors at all times and what their job description is. So if you want to raise the hourly salary of a good contractor, you risk losing all others who do similar jobs.

  • PAY FOR NOTHING - When hiring people by the hour, it's a big problem if they report work time and have actually done nothing. The screen shots indicate they've done nothing but you're still supposed to spend much time trying to contact them and open a dispute if that fails. Many times, it's not worth your time and people get away with not doing the work they were assigned to do. Contractors may also add "offline time" without your pre-approval which means they can bill you as they like and you have to stay alert to prevent such billing from occurring.

  • SPAM APPLICATIONS - Many applications are pure spam applications from people who have never read your posted job description. Many employers thus ask for some feedback in the actual application to know they're dealing with someone who has actually read the description. oDesk doesn't seem to handle these spam reports as I've seen the same contractors applying again and again.

  • HIRED BUT NOT WORKING - Too often we've hired contractors for an hourly job and they worked just a bit and then stopped. There's no option to set minimum weekly hours but only maximum weekly hours. This is very problematic if you expect a job to be completed on a specific date.

  • HARD TO FIND CONTRACTORS - in the few times I've tried to find contractors rather than wait for them to contact me, I had great difficulties finding the right candidates as many contractors post wrong details so they'd be ranked higher in the search results. Contacting oDesk support on these issues yielded no results.

If you wish to receive more details to make this more public or if you would like to know which alternative Colnect is using, you're welcome to comment here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9, 1959: The First Barbie Doll - Today In History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

The first Barbie doll was presented at the american Toy Fair in New York March 9, 1959 by her creator Ruth Handler. The almost immediate success of this new kind of doll gave chance to her husband and another partner to create the Mattel Creations. The Barbie doll with its opulent breasts, its thin waist and long legs would, in fact, completely against the style of dolls and asexual round of the day.

Barbie is short of Barbara, the name of the daughter of Ruth Handler. Initially Barbie was a copy of an adult German doll named Lilli, Ruth Handler had given to her daughter Barbara after observing that children preferred playing with paper dolls representing adult women. Her measurements, initially hypertrophied, were reduced to normal proportions over the years.

From 1959 to 1960, Barbie was only black and white: its her was platinum blonde, the apple of its eye was white and it wore a striped shirt. The reason is that advertising Barbie mobilized a new medium at the time: Television. It had to be at its best on the small screen that does not yet broadcast in color. In addition, from 1959 to 1970, the Barbie looks slightly downwards and right. Since then gently bent the doll's head, it gave the false and mischievous eyes subjected women of the time.

In 1997 Malibu Barbie blonde heady tanning flawless' look straight ahead at last. The reason is that Barbie now drives its own car can no longer be doing so, it looks through. From that moment, Barbie had its multiply trades, professions and leisure in a perspective more explicit diversification role of women.

If since 1980 the ethnic type of Barbie has so much more diversified, it is not so much of its original companion Ken that he has changed little over the years. In 2005, Barbie has also severed its connection with Ken for Blaine, an Australian surfer; but Mattel relaunched Ken in February 2006 against the indifference of young buyers for Blaine.

Collectibles on Colnect that Commemmorate This Day in History:

Several countries released Gift cards to commemorate and celebrate Barbie Doll:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's day 14, February : The day of Lovers - Today In History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

" Before the feast of St. Valentine became the event that we know today, its origin dates back to ancient times  that it is well to remember."

Let us remember Rome. Growing up Roman Empire should continue to ensure its security, it passed between the protection of other borders forced integration of its recalcitrant of other especially since they were Christians, a religious movement not very good for the central government. Making Empire “safe and secure” to make an unfortunate analogy with the leitmotif of rules current well-intentioned required that from time to Decapitate time some heads “wrong” thinking.
It is here that Valentinus, the father was valentinus a Christian priest in Rome in the third century JC. The Emperor Claudius II, so did imprison thousands of Christians whose father Valentinus. During his imprisonment, Valentine performs a miracle: he gave sight to the blind daughter of his jailer! His Passat feat does not go unnoticed and he was beheaded on ... 14 February of the year 268.

Why Valentine's Day is the patron of engaged couples?

The legend says that before his arrest, in contrast Valentinus with Roman law was the blessing of youth engaged in secret. Then before his execution he sent to his daughter keeper of the heart-shaped leaves. ... And the legend crossed the centuries ... In the Middle Ages, a girl was accompanied by his "Valentine" on first Sunday of Lent. But it was not until 1496 that St. Valentine was canonized by decision Pope Alexander VI.

Why February 14?

Celebrations rhythm to our way of life. The change of seasons is celebrated since the dawn of humanity on our planet. A Christmas is the winter solstice, ie when the days are getting longer. Mid-February is the return of spring. In ancient Rome this time corresponds to the Lupercalia, which were annual festivals celebrated on February 15 in honor of Lupercus, the god of fertility. Even if not in astronomical terms, the return of spring is often marked by the return of migratory birds. Yet precisely February 14, if a young girl who goes to see "if The rose is blooming "sees a robin, she will marry a sailor, a sparrow means a happy marriage with a poor man, a Chardonnet marrying a rich man (but it does not say if it's a happy marriage).
In conclusion, ladies if you leave the tip of your nose pretty day of valentine and you see a pigeon ... you get married ... with whom?

The 18th century to today ... The tradition of Valentine's Day is perpetuating the name of "Valentines" was given to letters that were sent to beloved. Decorated in subtle Victorian, they are industrially produced in the United States in early twentieth and now have millions of "eCards" which are sent daily.

Collectibles on Colnect that Commemmorate This Day in History:

Several countries released phonecards to commemorate and celebrate Valentine's day:

Several countries released stamps to commemorate and celebrate Valentine's day:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Croatian Football Club HNK Hajduk Split Has Its 100th Birthday - February 13, 1911 / Today In History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

Croatian football club HNK Hajduk Split was founded on February the 13th 1911. It is one of the most famous and most popular clubs in Croatia and its region. Club has a nicknames „Bili“ (The Whites) and „Majstori s mora“ (Masters form the sea). The clubs traditional home colors are white shirts alongside with blue shorts and socks. Since 1979. the club plays its home matches in Split's football stadium Poljud.

An interesting thing about the club is that it was founded in today's capital of Czech Republic Prague in its famous and centuries-old pub Flek. The club was founded by group of students from Split: Fabijan Kaliterna, Lucijan Stella, Ivan Šakić and Vjekoslav Ivanišević.

The club's name originates from hajduks, fighters that fought against Ottomans. In its 100 years old history club has never changed its name. During that period it played in the championships of several different countries that existed during that time, and won 17 national champion titles, 14 national cup titles and 5 national super cups.

Credits for this post go to Kresimir Kljaic [kljaja], a 2-star contributor to Colnect.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Release of Nelson Mandela - February 11, 1990 / Today In History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.

" After 27 years of prison, Nelson Mandela, The leader of the movement to end South African apartheid, is released on February 11, 1990. "

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba ", his tribal name), born in July 18, 1918 at Mvezo in South Africa. He was a politician and head of state of South Africa and one of the historic leaders of the struggle against the political system of apartheid before becoming president of the Republic of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, following the first non-racial national elections in the history of the country.

Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944 to fight against the political domination of the white minority and racial segregation led by it. Became a lawyer, he participated in the nonviolent struggle against the apartheid laws, which begin to be implemented by the National Party government in 1948. The ANC was banned in 1960, and the peaceful struggle does not yield any tangible results, Mandela founded and directed the military wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe, in 1961, leading a campaign of sabotage against government facilities and military . Arrested by the South African government, in collaboration with the CIA, he was sentenced at the Rivonia trial in prison and hard labor for life. He becomes a celebrity over the years supported international symbol of the struggle for racial equality.

After twenty-seven years in prison in conditions often harsh, Mandela was released on February 11, 1990, and supports reconciliation and negotiation with the government of President Frederik de Klerk. In 1993 he received the latter in conjunction with the Nobel Prize for Peace for their shares in favor of the peaceful end of apartheid and for laying the foundations for a new South Africa démocratique.

After a difficult transition when De Klerk and him avoid a civil war between supporters of apartheid, those of the ANC and those of the predominantly Zulu Inkatha, Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa in 1994 . He leads a successful policy of national reconciliation between whites and blacks and fight against economic inequality, but neglects the fight against AIDS, expanding in South Africa. After a single term, he retired from active politics but continues to publicly support the African National Congress while condemning its excesses.

He continued the fight against poverty but also the fight against AIDS through several associations, especially after the death of his son from the disease. It is a world personality played about human rights and is hailed as the father of a multiracial South Africa and fully democratic, described as rainbow nation heaven, even though the country still faces serious problems of economic inequality, social diversity and community declines.

Collectibles on Colnect that Commemmorate This Day in History:

Several countries released phonecards to commemorate and celebrate Mandela's life:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

20,020 Collectors Manage Their Collection and Swap Lists on Colnect

          In February 2011, Colnet collectors community’s website was able to prove its strength by reaching over than 20.020 members from 190 countries around the world.

This website allows these members to easily manage and organize their personal collections with catalogs and automatically match their swap lists with those of other collectors. However, Colnect is available in 58 different languages, as you can communicate and swap with collectors over the word without irritation.

Starting on 2002, as Islands phone cards database, with one aim is to create a catalog of all phone cards, but after that, as 11 other catalogs has been added as 11 other types of collectors has been joined.

Right now, Colnect offers public catalogs of stamps, phonecards, coins, banknotes, bottle caps, tea bags, post cards, bank cards, travel tickets, Casino cards, hotel key cards and beer coasters.
Now a days Colnect’s phonecards catalog is the largest one in the world.

If you collect and you connect, then you should really be member in Colnect.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gandhi Assassinated - January 30, 1948 - Today In History Through Collectibles

Many of the items that collectors on Colnect collect are in fact associated with certain historical events that have taken place over time. This applies especially to Stamps, Phone Cards, Coins and Banknotes. To commemorate these special historical events, countries release special issues of these items that depict images and information relevant to these events.
Through our “Today in History Through Collectibles” Blog we will highlight special events in history by featuring Collectible items from our Colnect Catalogs that are associated with historical events that took place on specific days in history.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the political and spiritual leader of the Indian independence movement, is assassinated on this day in New Delhi by a Hindu fanatic.
Born in Porbandar, Gujarat October 2, 1869, and died in Delhi on January 30, 1948. He was a political and an important spiritual leader of India's independence movement in this country. He was commonly known and called in India and the world as Mahatma Gandhi (from Sanskrit, Mahatma: Great Soul) - "Mahatma" is a title all his life he refused to associate himself.
He was a pioneer and theorist of satyagraha, resistance to oppression by using the mass civil disobedience, all based on ahimsa (total non-violent), who helped lead the India to independence. Gandhi has inspired many liberation movements and civil rights around the world and many other personalities such as Albert Schweitzer, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, the Dalai Lama and Aung San Suu Kyi. His major criticisms against modern Western, forms of authority and oppression (including the state), also earned him a reputation as a critic of development whose ideas have influenced many political thinkers. Gandhi was known as the Father of the Nation in India, his birthday is a national holiday. This date was declared International Day of Non-Violent by the UN General Assembly.
Lawyer who studied law in England, Gandhi developed a method of nonviolent civil disobedience in South Africa, by organizing the Indian community's struggle for civil rights. Upon his return to India, Gandhi encouraged the farmers and poor workers to protest against taxes as too high and the widespread discrimination and put on the national struggle against colonial laws created by the British. Became the leader of Indian National Congress, Gandhi led a nationwide campaign to help the poor, for the liberation of Indian women, for brotherhood between communities of different religions or ethnicities, for an end to untouchability and discrimination caste, and economic self-sufficiency of the nation, but especially for Swaraj - the independence of India from foreign domination.
Gandhi led the Salt March, the famous opposition to the tax on salt. It was he who also launched the Quit India movement appealed to August 8, 1942. He was imprisoned several times in South Africa and India for his activities, he spent a total of six years of his life in prison.
Follower of Indian philosophy, Gandhi lived simply, organizing an ashram that was self-sufficient. He made his own clothes - the traditional Indian dhoti and shawl, with cotton yarn with a charkha (spinning wheel) - and was a vegetarian. He practiced rigorous fasts for long periods, for self-purification as well as a means of protest.
In an effort to end India's religious strife, he resorted to fasts and visits to the troubled areas. He was on one such vigil in New Delhi when Nathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist who objected to Gandhi's tolerance for the Muslims, fatally shot him.
Collectibles on Colnect that Commemmorate This Day in History:
These are a few of the phonecards issued by different countries to commemorate Gandhi's life:
STAMPS: Several countries released stamps to commemorate and celebrate Gandhi's great achievement:

Friday, January 28, 2011

150,150 Stamps on the World's Best Online Stamp Catalog

As January 2011 closes, the world's best online stamp catalog on Colnect has passed another important milestone by listing 150,150 UNIQUE stamps. Formerly, in November, we announced 135,531 stamps displayed on our catalog. In just about two months, ~15,000 stamps were added.

Remember that only on Colnect, you can easily manage your personal stamp collection and easily trade with other collectors. With the availability of 58 languages in Colnect, you can simply and easily communicate and swap without a hassle. Take your pick among the beautiful stamps from different country origins.

We would like to acknowledge everyone's volunteer work. Your contributions really count a lot. Special thanks goes to our stamp coordinator Klaus Jochimsen [Lola22] who orchestrates the whole operation. Do you have friends who love collecting stamps? Spread the good news and let them know about the big collections in our stamp catalog that await them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bank Card catalog is growing quickly - 2,468+ cards

In August we announced that the Bank Card catalog had reached 1,001 cards. We are now delighted to report that the Bank Card catalog has more than doubled since then and it has now already surpassed 2,468 cards and it continues to grow!

The hobby of Bank Card collecting includes the collection of the following bank affiliated cards: ATM cards, Credit cards and Debit cards.  These cards are all of a similar size, made out of plastic, and they are embedded with either a magnetic strip or a chip within the card. In addition to bearing the name and logo of the Bank Provider, they are adorned with a variety of striking images, which makes these cards sought after by collectors.  These images range form abstract art to themes of landmarks, landscapes, people, sports, flora and fauna as well as other promotional related subjects.

We are grateful to Hendy Florez, our bank cards database coordinator, who is responsible for the continued success of this category.  We also acknowledge and thank everyone who has contributed in any way by sharing items from their collection and adding them to our database.

Colnect has the largest online catalog of Bank Cards and with your help and support this can grow even bigger and better.  In this modern era almost each and every one of us is in possession of one type of Bank Card or another.  So, next time your Bank Card expires, think twice before you discard it.  At least make an effort to contribute details and images of it to our catalog or consider starting a collection of your own.

Start connecting with other bank card collectors from all over the world now and show off the cards that you already have in your wallet.
You can “bank on it” that you will have a lot of fun. . .
Happy collecting :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Beer Coasters / Beer Mats - Colnect's Collectors New Addition

Colnect is expanding and reaching out to more collectors and we are pleased to announce that we have now added a new category of collectibles to our portfolio: Beer Coasters / Beer Mats

A coaster or beer mat is an absorptive mat on which to rest a glass of beer or other beverage upon.
Coasters are made from high density paperboard (cardboard) or several layers of tissue paper.  Beer mats are identified by their water absorbency and printability and standard coasters are usually square or round, but other shapes do exist.

In 1880, the first beer mats, made of thick paper pulp, were introduced by a German printing company as use to cover an open brew to ward off insects.  They have now become one of the best ways you can protect your furniture and bar counter from stains caused by liquid that accumulates on the bottom of a glass.

Beer mats are usually adorned with customized images - advertising a brand of beer, although they can also be used for promotional purposes to advertise anything from a drinking establishment, sports franchise, businesses or other special events.

Coasters are collected in a variety of ways. You can collect them according to theme, brewery, state, region, country, or simply collect everything.

The practice of collecting coasters or beer mats is known as tegestology and coaster or beer mat collectors are known as tegestologists.

Mirel Sinanaj [albcoins] has taken on the responsibility as coordinator of our new Beer Coasters / Beer Mats category.

So next time you are at the pub make sure to keep the beer coaster as a souvenir to add to your new collection or to use it to exchange for another collectible item.

Let’s make a special toast to Colnect's newly baptized Beer Coasters / Beer Mats category: “Cheers . . .!!!”

Happy collecting :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

18,888 Collectors Collect and Connect with Colnect

The New Year has welcomed us with the exciting news that the Colnect community is continuing to grow rapidly.  Just over a month and a half ago we announced that we have 17,171 collectors on Colnect.  The holidays and festive season ensured a surge in new collectors visiting Colnect and today we are proud to announce that we now have 18,888 Collectors who are Collecting and Connecting on COLNECT.  That is a remarkable addition of 1,717 new collectors in just over a month!

By reaching this milestone it is evident that more and more people are being hit by the “collector bug” and they are all joining in on the fun at Colnect.  We welcome our new additions to the Colnect family and we wish you all an enjoyable journey collecting and connecting with our global community on Colnect.

With a continuously growing membership base it is guaranteed that there are a larger number of collectibles available for trade and just as our numbers of collectors is increasing, so are our catalogs of collectibles growing in size.  No doubt that there’s something for everyone!

It is with our deepest gratitude that we acknowledge each and every one of you who has supported and contributed to our community in any way and who continues to ensure that we are able to offer the best service available to everyone.

If you have not yet joined in on the fun and become a member, don’t delay any further – joining Colnect is free.  Click here to sign-up today!

We also challenge and urge all our collectors to invite and recruit more collector friends to join Colnect. It’s all about sharing the experience and expanding the Colnect community.

May your collection grow during 2011 and may you meet many new collector friends while having fun on Colnect. . .

Happy collecting :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Premium Year!!!

For the first time in the history of Colnect, premium services will be open to ALL MEMBERS during the next 7 days!
You can now enjoy Quick Mark and Custom Personal Lists throughout the week.

During this week you can choose another Colnect member who will receive free premium membership for the month of January 2011.
Write to us now on this post and let us know who is your lucky selected member with whom you wish to share this service.

Enjoy the Premium Services!!!

May your collection grow during 2011 and may you meet many new collector friends. . .

Happy collecting :)

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